General Excess mortality in The Netherlands after vaccination periods. (video and article-English)

Diana S

Staff member
Bible Challenge
Oct 15, 2021
The Netherlands
Dr Theo Scheffers, a highly respected vaccinologist from Holland says: 'Data doesn't lie.' A Dutch researcher from RIVM, the Dutch: '...the ones who are not vaccinated are in general more healthy', and at the end of the video he says: ' 1 : I hope it will stop vaccinating people and...'

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COVID was called a pandemic. The Spanish flu was a pandemic and attacked people of all ages and health conditions. COVID attacked people who already had serious health issues. Most people who got Covid got over it, only about 1% died. The low death rate and the targeting of the compromised rules out Covid being a pandemic. COVID is a syndemic, look it up on the internet.
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Tony Fauci is on the back burner for now. The possibility of default is real because neither Biden or McCarthy can back down. Usually there is some type of measure taken to prevent default, we must wait to see.