
  1. SC Facilitator

    Emotional Cognitive dissonance: What to know | Medically reviewed by Yalda Safai MD MPH | By Zawn Villines | MedicalNewsToday | Article
  2. SC Facilitator

    Video The PCR Pandemic is Medical Terrorism and Great Reset

    From News Paradigm on Rumble (2 years ago, it says) PCR Test Exposed as Psychological Weapon of Medical Terrorism Excerpt: Key Points: Genomic research has been central to understanding and combating the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a laboratory...
  3. Diana S

    General Excess mortality in The Netherlands after vaccination periods. (video and article-English)

    Dr Theo Scheffers, a highly respected vaccinologist from Holland says: 'Data doesn't lie.' A Dutch researcher from RIVM, the Dutch: '...the ones who are not vaccinated are in general more healthy', and at the end of the video he says: ' 1 : I hope it will stop vaccinating people and...'...