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  1. SC Facilitator

    Rebuttal Anthony Morris' Unseen Leaked Talk | Watchtower exposed again

    Here is a compilation of #exWT (#exJW) videos debunking this Watchtower leaked talk. Watchtower again exposed. Now for withdrawing a video by the former governing nobody Anthony Morris. Like he was 'blown out like a match'. One day this organization will be smoke. No need for a🧯
  2. SC Facilitator

    Experience Why we Left Jehovah's Witnesses - Former Elders/Pioneers/Bethelites | Some of their stories

  3. SC Facilitator

    General Follow the Science | How not to fall for false prophets | With Professor Michaéla Schippers and Journalist Rico Brouwer

    It's Easter 2023 when we publish this story. It appears this time we're all trying to find out who we can still trust and at risk of loosing our faith. But how can you tell the difference between who's genuine and who's a 'False Prophet'? Michaéla shares the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin...
  4. Diana S

    General Excess mortality in The Netherlands after vaccination periods. (video and article-English)

    Dr Theo Scheffers, a highly respected vaccinologist from Holland says: 'Data doesn't lie.' A Dutch researcher from RIVM, the Dutch: '...the ones who are not vaccinated are in general more healthy', and at the end of the video he says: ' 1 : I hope it will stop vaccinating people and...'...