Announcement Lists

    Which Announcement Lists would you like to join?

    1. The General Announcement List is to be kept informed of changes to this website in general - a few posts per year.

    2. The Finding Lori Jane Channel List is to be kept informed of YouTube channel upcoming events - max 12 emails per year.

    3. The Exodus Support Group List is to be kept informed of upcoming meetings - an email goes out 1-2 times per month.

    4. The Sparks Fellowship Meeting is for warm fellowship in a supportive atomosphere. There is no statement of beliefs. We don't push our beliefs on others but listen respectfully to each others positions.

      We call it sparks because when iron sharpens iron sparks fly! But we have extinguishers on the ready so we all feel safe to express ourselves without condemnation . We believe if you love our heavenly creator and his son Jesus Christ (even if our interpretations of them don't agree) you are worth fellowshipping with! If you agree with us then please come join us for a very different bible study!

    You can unsubscribe at anytime by clicking link at bottom of any email received. We do not share names or email list. If you have any questions reach out to [email protected]

    To get on any or all announcement lists provide your first and last name and email address - check the boxes next to the list(s) you want to join then press the SUBMIT button.

    1. Simply Christian General Announcement List2. Finding Lori Jane Channel Announcement List3. Exodus Support Group Announcement List4. Sparks Fellowship Meeting with Lori Jane