
  1. Lori Jane

    General Understanding John 1:3

    Understanding John 1:3 Video Explanation by Dustin Smith Notes on John 1:3 Compiled by Dustin Smith, PhD “All things came into being through him, and apart from him nothing came into being that has come into being.”...
  2. Ray Faircloth

    Article Jesus Did Not Pre-Exist Himself

    Jesus Did Not Pre-Exist Himself A person cannot pre-exist himself and still be the same person! In fact, one creature cannot change into another creature according to God’s arrangement that all creatures were created, “according to their kinds”/“in their own species” (Gen. 1:21). So, no...
  3. Ray Faircloth

    Article Key Proof Texts Against a Literally Pre-Existent Jesus

    Key Proof Texts Against a Literally Pre-Existent Jesus Jesus Was Never an Archangel Heb. 1:5 and 13: “To which of the angels did God ever say, ‘You are my Son’.” Therefore, Jesus was not an archangel. Dan. 10:13: Michael, one of the foremost (“chief” Gk arche) princes.” An archangel is still...
  4. Shelley

    General Predestination.

    I never dealt with this subject yet. Likewise is hell a real place of torment. Interesting view point.
  5. Anthony F. Buzzard

    Article The Nature of Preexistence in the New Testament

    The Nature of Preexistence in the New Testament by Anthony Buzzard Copied here with permission. Original Source: "When the Jew wished to designate something as predestined, he spoke of it as already ‘existing’ in heaven."3 [Thus...
  6. Lori Jane

    Article How is Jesus “firstborn of all creation” (Colossians 1:15) Old creation or new creation? Firstly, what Colossians 1 doesn’t mean: Colossians 1:16bible%3ACol1.16%7Cres=LLS%3AESV'] doesn’t...
  7. SCAdmin

    Does Colossians 1.15-19 Mean Jesus Preexisted and Created the Universe?

    Does Colossians 1.15-19 Mean Jesus Preexisted and Created the Universe? by Kermit Zarley Multiple issues arise in Colossians 1.15-19 that have caused many Bible readers to think Paul therein teaches that Jesus preexisted and created the universe. From this they conclude that only God does that...
  8. Lori Jane

    Article John and Jewish Preexistence

    This is a very scholarly article but if you really want to understand preexistence then I highly recommend reading this paper by Dustin Smith John and Jewish Preexistence: An Attempt to Responsibly Set the Christology of the Fourth Gospel in its Proper Historical and Theological Matrix of...
  9. Lori Jane

    Question For those of us that don't believe in the trinity. The next question is did Jesus pre-exist?

    Copying and pasting from Faithlife Discussion - I will copy and paste each post in a new reply as they occurred. To respond to any portion just highlight the sentence and click the little popup "reply" and it will quote it for you. This will make it easy to continue the discussion. For those...
  10. Lori Jane

    Question Question from Reader on Jesus Preexistence

    I received the following email in response to an article I posted on this forum "Which Son Are You Confessing". I also have a thread that was started in a Faithlife group that I'm going to move over here. Please share your answers to help others understand why we earnestly believe Christ...
  11. Ray Faircloth

    Article Why Philippians 2:5-9 Is Not About a Pre-Existent Being

    Why Philippians 2:5-9 Is Not About a Pre-Existent Being The Traditional Interpretation There are several phrases in the Philippians 2:5-8 passage that Trinitarians view as proof that Jesus had pre-existed as God in heaven. A typical translation of these verses is: “Have this...
  12. Lori Jane

    Video John and Jewish Preexistence - Dr. Dustin Smith

    Dr. Dustin Smith brings us a well done consideration of the question of preexistence in the Gospel of John. Dustin talks about the significance of the Jewish understanding of preexistence as context for John’s writings. Dustin brings us examples drawn from Jewish literature which demonstrate...
  13. Lori Jane

    Video Col. 1:15-20, Preexistence or Preeminence Pastor Bill Wachtel

    Pastor William Wachtel brings to the viewer a refreshingly clear understanding of Paul's words to the Colossians regarding Christ. Was Paul writing of a Christ who was "preexistent" to his own birth? Or, was he speaking of the "man" Christ Jesus who has been now given ultimate "preeminence" by...
  14. Lori Jane

    Video Preexistence, Pre-human Jesus verses explained.

  15. Lori Jane

    Video Preexistence 101 - by J. Dan Gill

    Did Christ preexist? What is preexistence? Do human beings preexist? J. Dan Gill tells his audience that true human beings do not preexist themselves. If Jesus was a true man then he did not preexist in a literal sense. J. Dan Gill is Editor in Chief of 21st Century Reformation. He is a frequent...
  16. Lori Jane

    Video Dr. Dale Tuggy - The Case Against the Preexistence of Christ

    This is an enjoyable presentation by Dr. Dale Tuggy. Speaking to an audience at a Theological Conference near Atlanta, Dr. Tuggy presents an insightful presentation regarding the supposed literal preexistence of Christ. For more by Dr. Tuggy visit his podcast at www://
  17. Lori Jane

    Video Questioning Pre-Existence (William Gilmore 2020 KOG Missions Conference)

    William Gilmore talks about understanding the Christ and shares his journey how he departed from Trinitarianism and converted to Unitarianism, and then again from "Arianism" to Biblical Unitarianism. The last question that William dealt with was the question of pre-existence. He saw it as...
  18. Ray Faircloth

    Article When Did the Son of God Come into Existence?

    When Did the Son of God Come into Existence? Please consider the following key facts concerning Jesus in relation to literal pre-existence: 1) Relatively few Scriptures are used in the attempt to prove a literal pre-existence of Jesus. 2) The Hebrew Scriptures pointed forward to a future...
  19. Ray Faircloth

    Article Why Jesus Did Not Pre-Exist by Ray Faircloth

    Why Jesus Did Not Pre-Exist A person cannot pre-exist himself and still be the same person! Jesus Was Never an Archangel - an archangel is a chief angel not a different creature. Heb. 1:5 and 13: To which of the angels did God ever say, ‘You are my Son’. Dan. 10:13: Michael, one of the...
  20. Lori Jane

    Podcast From Pre-existent Christ to the Man, the Lord Jesus Christ: William Gilmore interview part 2

    In this episode we continue our interview with Mr. William Gilmore. In part 1 of our interview William explained how for a number of years he believed that the Bible declared that the one true God was the Father, but that Jesus had pre-existed as a created being prior to taking on a human...