Podcast From Pre-existent Christ to the Man, the Lord Jesus Christ: William Gilmore interview part 2

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA

In this episode we continue our interview with Mr. William Gilmore.

In part 1 of our interview William explained how for a number of years he believed that the Bible declared that the one true God was the Father, but that Jesus had pre-existed as a created being prior to taking on a human nature. This belief is called “Arianism” after the 4th century church leader Arius who had a similar view.

Note: the term “Arian” in a theological context has nothing to do with the term used by the Nazis in a racial context, Aryan. The two words sound the same, but are spelled differently and have totally different meanings.

William explains how the Apostles’ Creed, also called the Old Roman Symbol, and certain Scriptures, first from Peter (1 Peter 1:20 ) and then from Paul (1 Timothy 2:5), and then also communication with One God believer Anthony Buzzard, helped him understand that the so-called pre-existence of the Messiah Jesus was not literal. In contrast to a literal pre-human existence, the human person Jesus Christ was pre-known by God in the plan and purpose of God. That is, Jesus Christ is a human being, a human person, not a pre-existent divine person who took on flesh.

"Christ...was pre-known before the foundation of the world" (1 Peter 1:20).
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What a fascinating testimony to dogged commitment to intellectual engagement with the text of scripture. Fearless and undaunted venturing past the constraints of Tradition. A lesson for us all indeed. Was this man a "christian" at the onset of his journey or did he become one at the culmination of his process? The answer to that may change the way wave the scepter of anathema at anyone who doesnt hold to the entirety of our present "Truth". Jah bless Will G....
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The lamb slain from the foundation of the world does not mean Jesus was crucified at the foundation of the world but that Jesus was predestined, foreknown by GOD and revealed to the prophets that Jesus, a human being, would be born as messiah the son of GOD.