General Predestination.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Do cancelled prophecies automatically imply falsehood? If I remember correctly Nineveh’s prophesied overturning was averted/relented BECAUSE they repented. So did God initially intend that or not? I however agree that many specifics cannot be known by man, but I think we refer to generalities more in the subject of Open Theism. On the subject of False Prophets, they are also allowed by God, to speak true descriptions, of both present and future, but does that make them True since they speak truth at that moment? (Deuteronomy 13:1-3). How about “pray that your flight may not be on the Sabbath or winter”? Now if every single detail of Future History is settled by God entirely beforehand, unilaterally, without recourse to His creatures, what is the point of saying that God has 2 wills? Wouldn’t that make what He does/approves and allows/tolerates absolutely identical?


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
King David committed adultery and murder, God did not interfere, He allowed David to sin, make the choice, this is indirect and the repentance and punishment of David was direct. God must allow sin because that is what Adam chose by free will. It may help to better understand how this works in the Christ event. It was Gods will in eternity for His son to die. God did not interfere and allowed sinful man to kill Jesus but then by direct will raised Jesus from the dead. God did not will directly that man kill His son but because of omniscience knew it was the free will of the men who would kill him. All things in this event worked out for good, even the evil things, and because of this many people will eventually receive salvation, even those who killed Jesus.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
I looked at this site. The author of the article about the truth of death is correct. It is always amazing to to see those who refuse to see. None are so blind. If people want to believe in a everlasting life in hell fire that’s up to them. It is an example of how Satan has deceived and blinds the eyes of those who do not understand the gospel.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
There is a difference between knowing things will happen and causing them to happen . God, in eternity knew Adam would sin but did not force him to sin. This proves free will. God, before He created anything, knew all things and is able to make all things work together for good. Within the workings of His will He implanted interventions as needed. The God spoke and it was done.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
All of human existence, ALL OF IT, is like you going to a movie and remembering all the details of that movie. Then later take a friend to see that same movie and throughout the movie you tell your friend what is going to happen next before it happens. Would your friend think you wrote the story, the script, because you had foreknowledge ? GOD, before HE created ANYTHING, in HIS awesome mind foresaw everything that would happen. This does not make GOD responsible for everything that has happened with the exception of GODS predetermined interventions. Jesus was one of GODS pre planned interventions and GOD knew that Jesus would be a success. Scripture that seems to suggest that GOD was unsure or changes HIS mind must be viewed from the idea of predestination and GOD relating to humanity in terms they can comprehend. GOD has two types of will; direct and indirect. Direct will is when GOD is the cause of something, indirect will is GOD allowing events to play out as HE knew they would without any intervention. Either way GOD has in eternity know all of these things.
Never think GOD is like a human being, Hosea 11:9 Numbers 23:19 Isaiah 55:8,9 Psalm 40:5 Isaiah 14:24 Psalm 92:5.
For us to attempt to analyze GOD to degrees far beyond our comprehension is the ultimate exercise in futility.
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Active member
Dec 5, 2023
Yet, we try so hard to put Yahweh into a box created within our human minds. He doesn't fito because our minds can't conceive of the only true God, Knowing that, I am so grateful that Yahweh gives me faith and the ability to admire His creation. Watching the things that are simply wonderful to me and pondering how complex they really are tends to remind me of my human mind's limitations. I trust God's plan - whatever it is for me. But, I still pray that my family members are still on His list in the Book of Life.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Yet, we try so hard to put Yahweh into a box created within our human minds. He doesn't fito because our minds can't conceive of the only true God, Knowing that, I am so grateful that Yahweh gives me faith and the ability to admire His creation. Watching the things that are simply wonderful to me and pondering how complex they really are tends to remind me of my human mind's limitations. I trust God's plan - whatever it is for me. But, I still pray that my family members are still on His list in the Book of Life.
As far as scripture reveals the beast , false prophet, the rebellious of the millennium and Gog and Magog will be the only humans that will not receive salvation. The type or kind of evil that the incorrigible possess is a spiritual condition that is self torture and agony. GOD , in love, will end the existence forever of this tormented person. I tend to think that the vast majority of people after seeing the face of Jesus Christ will repent and eventually receive salvation. Moses mentioned the book of life in Exodus 32:32 To blot out a name from the book of life means that all people have their names already recorded there and as GOD told Moses, Exodus 32:33 “Sin against ME” refers to the unpardonable sin which GOD will not forgive. Matthew 12:31,32 Luke 12:10 This sin can only be committed by a converted person with spiritual understanding. Hebrews 10:26,27,28,29,30,31 Hebrews 6:4,5,6,7,8 You see Outcast, your prayers have been answered.


Active member
Dec 5, 2023
As far as scripture reveals the beast , false prophet, the rebellious of the millennium and Gog and Magog will be the only humans that will not receive salvation. The type or kind of evil that the incorrigible possess is a spiritual condition that is self torture and agony. GOD , in love, will end the existence forever of this tormented person. I tend to think that the vast majority of people after seeing the face of Jesus Christ will repent and eventually receive salvation. Moses mentioned the book of life in Exodus 32:32 To blot out a name from the book of life means that all people have their names already recorded there and as GOD told Moses, Exodus 32:33 “Sin against ME” refers to the unpardonable sin which GOD will not forgive. Matthew 12:31,32 Luke 12:10 This sin can only be committed by a converted person with spiritual understanding. Hebrews 10:26,27,28,29,30,31 Hebrews 6:4,5,6,7,8 You see Outcast, your prayers have been answered.
Thanks for the comment brother. My specific prayer is for a person who is going through self-torture but has a deaf ear. I don't know what God's plan for him is, so I can only comfort myself with trust that God has a plan that will lead to life forever.
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