I used to believe impassibility as an attribute of God, from classical theism, and Plato. If indeterminacy is a true attribute of objects other than God, then the future is open so long as any object retains it. Now of every single detail is already settled in the mind of God, it is pointless for God to imagine possibilities and even suggest it to His creation namely man in this case - and even solemnly promise it. But from the series of verses I have read thus far, God seems to impart that his will will flex for His creation, with exception of absolute events that he has settled beforehand like the Messiah, redemption, the day of Judgement etc. Not that all futures are open, but some futures remain as possibilities for God has promised it to those who listen to Him. If i were given a choice, between, say, Vanilla or Chocolate ice cream, I typically would chose vanilla, but I could choose chocolate another time. I know it’s only two, but it remains a meaningful choice. Now if I always chose vanilla intransigently, in spite of the presence of chocolate, that looks like the “rest in your laurels” scenario. I’m not sure if that can be called freedom or indeterminacy on my end. Is indeterminacy a defect/bug that God must fix, or an excellence/feature that God has graciously given?