Book In Search of Christian Freedom by Raymond Franz

Ruth Watson

New member
Jan 16, 2021
This was Raymond Franz' second book written I believe a good 20 years after Crisis of Conscience. He would have been about 80 at the time of writing.

I don't understand why it is so infrequently mentioned by former JW's. I love it and am on my second reading of it. I am happy to share my PDF copy if anyone would like it.

Ray writes in the Foreword:

"It is hoped that the information will be of aid to those who, out of love for truth and out of concern to be pleasing to God, are weighing the rightness of giving unquestioning loyalty to a religious organization. Its aim is to contribute in some measure to confidence in God’s power to sustain us through whatever crises our holding to personal integrity may
bring and help open up wider spiritual horizons and a more rewarding and satisfying life in service to our Creator, to our Master, God’s Son, and to our fellow humans."
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This was Raymond Franz' second book written I believe a good 20 years after Crisis of Conscience. He would have been about 80 at the time of writing.

I don't understand why it is so infrequently mentioned by former JW's. I love it and am on my second reading of it. I am happy to share my PDF copy if anyone would like it.

Ray writes in the Foreword:

"It is hoped that the information will be of aid to those who, out of love for truth and out of concern to be pleasing to God, are weighing the rightness of giving unquestioning loyalty to a religious organization. Its aim is to contribute in some measure to confidence in God’s power to sustain us through whatever crises our holding to personal integrity may
bring and help open up wider spiritual horizons and a more rewarding and satisfying life in service to our Creator, to our Master, God’s Son, and to our fellow humans."
I would like to get a pdf copy if possible. My email address is [email protected]
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