General 3 Days and 3 Nights


Active member
Nov 24, 2020
Yeah, I'm still torn on either Wednesday or Thursday. In addition, the actual year he was crucified makes a big difference. I may be praying and studying on this the rest of my mortal life and still not know, which is ok. I just don't see myself going back to believing in "Good Friday". Just like I can't go back and believe in the trinity, Pre-Trib Rapture, eternal conscience torment (my God is that a bad one), etc.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Yeah, I'm still torn on either Wednesday or Thursday. In addition, the actual year he was crucified makes a big difference. I may be praying and studying on this the rest of my mortal life and still not know, which is ok. I just don't see myself going back to believing in "Good Friday". Just like I can't go back and believe in the trinity, Pre-Trib Rapture, eternal conscience torment (my God is that a bad one), etc.
We are admonished to prove all things. Notice how Jesus fulfilled the all the days in the shadow law on those very days from Passover to the last great day. The cycle of the moon has never changed and the full moon of Passover can be traced backwards in time . There are web sites that contain this information. From what I learned Jesus was murdered on Wednesday April 25, 31 AD. and raised on the Sabbath , the physical rest of the law that Jesus fulfilled by our spiritual rest in him, on that very day. This is also true of all the other shadow days. Counting backwards from Pentecost 50 days will be the Sabbath. On the morrow after the Sabbath you shall number 7 Sabbaths 49 days total , to make 50 days then is Sunday. Pentecost is always on a Sunday.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Jesus had to fulfill the law. He died on passover day, he became our sabbath on the sabbath when raised from the dead, faith in him and the gospel deleavens us, on pentecost he sent the spirit, on trumpets he became a great king, on atonement he became our atonement , on tabernacles he dwells in us and on the last great day issues a call to all people to come to him.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Yeah, I'm still torn on either Wednesday or Thursday. In addition, the actual year he was crucified makes a big difference. I may be praying and studying on this the rest of my mortal life and still not know, which is ok. I just don't see myself going back to believing in "Good Friday". Just like I can't go back and believe in the trinity, Pre-Trib Rapture, eternal conscience torment (my God is that a bad one), etc.
There is always a full moon on passover. A good astronautical site can trace the phases of the moon backwards in time. Look for years 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 AD


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Really. Are you really saying if we count backwards. lol.
To count backwards to determine the passing of time in days you need to have both the start day and end day as fixed points. The Weekly Sabbath is always from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. Pentecost is always on a Sunday. Pentecost means fifty. The Jews had to count 7 sabbaths beginning from the day after a weekly Sabbath that fell during the days of unleavened bread . This would be 49 days, 7x7=49. This would be Pentecost. However, remember "fifty" days. Jesus,after his resurrection spent 40 days with his disciples then ascended and ten days later sent the Holy Spirit. Because there are two fixed days, a weekly sabbath and Sunday Pentecost you can count backwards 50 days from Pentecost to arrive on the day Jesus was resurrected. It will be on the weekly sabbath. Jesus fulfilled the shadow of the sabbath by being resurrected on that day just as he fulfilled Passover and Pentecost on those exact days.
Are you really saying if we count backwards. lol.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Please find attached my papers showing that Jesus died late on a Friday (Preparation) and rose early on a Sunday (First day of the week) and so was not in the tomb for 72 hours.

Blessings and love in Christ

You must have no understanding of the Israelite holy days.
Study them, to see the truth of the last week of Christ.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
To count backwards to determine the passing of time in days you need to have both the start day and end day as fixed points. The Weekly Sabbath is always from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. Pentecost is always on a Sunday. Pentecost means fifty. The Jews had to count 7 sabbaths beginning from the day after a weekly Sabbath that fell during the days of unleavened bread . This would be 49 days, 7x7=49. This would be Pentecost. However, remember "fifty" days. Jesus,after his resurrection spent 40 days with his disciples then ascended and ten days later sent the Holy Spirit. Because there are two fixed days, a weekly sabbath and Sunday Pentecost you can count backwards 50 days from Pentecost to arrive on the day Jesus was resurrected. It will be on the weekly sabbath. Jesus fulfilled the shadow of the sabbath by being resurrected on that day just as he fulfilled Passover and Pentecost on those exact days.
Yes, do it , it's not humorous but fact.