
  1. SC Facilitator

    Public Fortune Magazine Exposes the WATCHTOWER | JW UPDATES Youtube Channel | Video

    Why did Watchtower change the hour reporting? What else does Watchtower not tell the jw brothers and sisters?
  2. SC Facilitator

    Video Did You Know These Amazing Things About the Sea of Galilee? | HolyLandSite Youtube Channel

  3. SC Facilitator

    Video Jehovah's Witnesses Exposed in Japan! | Monica Raseroka Youtube channel | Their history of abuse is being exposed | Video and article with audio

    Jehovah’s Witnesses have been reported to the Japanese government. A group of Japanese lawyers has compiled a report against the organisation. Many children of Jehovah’s Witnesses experience abuse, Japan report says by The Japan Times
  4. SC Facilitator

    Question Am I in a cult? How would I know? | A Cult test / Combating Cults with Steven Hassan | Jack Youtube Channel | Video

  5. SC Facilitator

    Rebuttal Jehovah's Witnesses: Is Jesus Your Mediator? You Might Be Surprised By The Answer | Memorial | Video

    Here is a video debunking the most important meeting of the year by Jehovah's Witnesses, the Watch Tower Memorial by JW Escape Youtube channel
  6. SC Facilitator

    Public STOP Charity to Religions that Discriminate in Canada | Sign the petition! We appreciate your help | Video and petition

    Jehovah's Witness victims in Canada have not been heard and now it's time to bring this matter forward. We appreciate your help. Stop Funding Organized Religions in Canada That Practice Discrimination! Jehovah's Witness | Petition
  7. SC Facilitator

    Video Paul on the road to Damascus and his background by N.T. Wright | Video's

    Simply Christian Monotarian Fellowship
  8. SC Facilitator

    Video Cognitive Dissonance: Our Battle With Conflicting Beliefs | Video

    Via 'Paul' a brother from Australia
  9. SC Facilitator

    Event Primera rueda de Prensa de la Asociación Española de Victimas de los Testigos de Jehová | video

  10. SC Facilitator

    Encouragement The Hebrew word for 'Love' - Ahavah | video's

  11. SC Facilitator

    Video Acts 8:26-40 - Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch | Dr John Stevenson Youtube channel | video

  12. SC Facilitator

    Encouragement 7 Things About The Lord's Supper | Valley Pres North Hills Youtube channel | Pastor Ron Svendsen

  13. SC Facilitator

    Rebuttal Wachtower's Secret Elders' Book On Child Sexual Abuse or CSA | Rebuttal |

  14. SC Facilitator

    General When Church Turns Into a Cult | Shaneen Megji Youtube Channel

    How to Tell When Your Church is Turning into a Cult. Look for these 10 Signs!
  15. SC Facilitator

    Public Japan - JW Victims of sexual abuse tell their stories | Video

  16. SC Facilitator

    Video “The Greatest Event of All Time” (Matthew 24:26-31) | TruthPoint Bible Church Youtube channel | Pastor Steve Taylor | Sermon

    sermon from Septemb er 24, 2023
  17. SC Facilitator

    Video “Advance Warning” (Matthew 24:15-25) | TruthPoint Bible Church Youtube channel | Pastor Steve Taylor | Sermon

    sermon from September 17, 2023
  18. SC Facilitator

    General Some video's explaining the Tetragrammaton, the Name of God YHWH

    Video's used for Simply Christian Monotarian Fellowship on September 19, 2023
  19. SC Facilitator

    Video Matthew 13:31-35 | “Mustard Seed & Yeast Mysteries” | TruthPoint Bible Church Youtube channel | Steve Taylor | Sermon

    sermon from August 13, 2023
  20. SC Facilitator

    Video Matthew 13:24-30 Matthew 13:36-43 | “Mystery of Two Kingdoms” | TruthPoint Bible Church Youtube channel | Steve Taylor | Sermon

    Youtube channel recommended by Tom/TIlly2 sermon from August 6, 2023