Article US Responds to Massive BRICS Expansion Effort As Nations Push to Launch Global Currency, Ditch Dollar

Yes, I read the Dutch prime minister was talking about a worldwide currency. I think it is probably decided already, just like with the Euro, that changed all European currencies into one.
In Holland and England you can't take money out of a bank above a few 1000 Euro's or Pounds anymore. You have to have pernission from the bank, put it in writing etc. And they don't want you to use cash anymore either. They have an agenda. Like witchtower always has an agenda to manipulate people to accept things in the future.
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The U.S. is the 7th king of Revelation 17:10 The U.S. must fall to make way for the 8th king, the beast, antichrist or man of sin. Revelation 13 describes the rise of the 8th king.
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The U.S. Federal reserve or central bank is considering a freeze on Bank accounts to prevent withdrawals in order to prevent more banks from being insolvent. To be cautious it may be wise, if your finances permit, to keep some cash at home. If accounts are frozen you could atleast buy food. It is obvious that the current fiat system is beginning to collapse.
I recommend all the brethren read a book by G. Edward Griffin titled, "The Creature From Jekyll Island". It explains about how the world is in such an economic and political mess. We are watching the unraveling of it all and it will be replaced with the system of the man of sin.
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