Other The Shack


Bible Challenge
Oct 17, 2020
Some of us can't stop talking about what we're reading or have read! God knows the number of time I've had to interrupt my friends in the middle of something they were saying, just to tell them about this or that interesting book I'm reading! Bottom line: I'm an annoying bookworm! And here's why:

That's exactly how I feel about many books I've come across! So thanks for the opportunity. I look forward to doing some reviews.
Caveat: I've never really done a book review so you can expect my work to be unsystematic and intentionally littered with quotes from the book under review!
Book suggestion~One time in service I was with my daughter and a we offered the magazines and The householder got real gruff and then went and grabbed something and came back to the door...it was a book called 'The Shack' he said he would take the magazines if I would read his book...I of course declined politely and thanked him for his offer and got out of there. I thought "what a weirdo...that was scary he wanted me to read his demonized stuff". Several years later after I was starting to fade...I saw the book at Barnes and Noble and couldn't put it down...I dare anyone to read it without gaining more faith and shedding some tears.
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