General The one God is not the Gospel!


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
I have noticed on this forum that the one God understanding seems to be the dominant theme to the exclusion of many other truths that need attention as well. It seems to be an obsession among Unitarians. I believe and know that there is only one God, the Father, but I do not place the label of Unitarian on myself, as in many of my posts I disagree with them on other areas of doctrine. I have written frequently about these issues here on this forum. Thus far I have received few responses and of them some are ridicule which indicates to me their knowledge on these subjects is lacking. One reason for this is the focus on proving the one God truth to the exclusion of most others. This is not growth, it is stagnation, it is plateauism , a barrier to growing in grace and knowledge. There needs to be discussion about other topics and less daily verses, music, humor or attacks on Jehovahs Witnesses. These things are not exploring Christianity as is the stated reason for this forums existence.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
benadam, you and I are only two of a few that do post articles here on Simply Christian that address other doctrines then that of the truth of the one true God. While we do not agree on all things at least we discuss these issues. I have noticed your attempts to get a dialogue started but usually the only respondent is me. Upon your most recent post I sensed that you feel the same way as I concerning what this forum was constructed to accomplish. Perhaps with our combined efforts to bring this to the forefront in the minds of the others could be viewed as a sign. It was said, “these things you should have done but not leave the others undone. “. Matthew 23:23 We should not leave out the weightier matters. 1 Corinthians 14:1 , Isaiah 51:1 , Philippians 3:12-16 , 1 Corinthians 2:6 , Ephesians 1:17 , 1 Corinthians 14:20 As you know benadam there are many more admonishments by the Prophets, Jesus and the Apostles to use the gift of Gods spirit to teach us so that we grow in grace and knowledge. Anything else is burying our talent.
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Active member
Dec 5, 2023
While still new here, I am looking around to see what all is being discussed. Hopefully, my feet will solidly land, and I will participate more. This thread appeared, and I think I'd like to interject some thoughts I have recently entertained. First of all, I have been a non-trinitarian for barely a year now. Part of my journey has been to notice how so many songs sung in church are very trinitarian and put Jesus up to the exclusion of Yahweh. Jesus gets credit for everything God has done. In sermons, I hear similar things. Now, I can't bare them very well, as - in my view - it is "having another God before Yahweh." I still imagine Jesus on the right hand of His Father with all glory and honor. It is by His obedience to His Father than I can now be a son of Yahweh and a brother to the Messiah. I guess I don't yet see how this message has been lost, but then, I'm still looking around.
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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2020
While still new here, I am looking around to see what all is being discussed. Hopefully, my feet will solidly land, and I will participate more. This thread appeared, and I think I'd like to interject some thoughts I have recently entertained. First of all, I have been a non-trinitarian for barely a year now. Part of my journey has been to notice how so many songs sung in church are very trinitarian and put Jesus up to the exclusion of Yahweh. Jesus gets credit for everything God has done. In sermons, I hear similar things. Now, I can't bare them very well, as - in my view - it is "having another God before Yahweh." I still imagine Jesus on the right hand of His Father with all glory and honor. It is by His obedience to His Father than I can now be a son of Yahweh and a brother to the Messiah. I guess I don't yet see how this message has been lost, but then, I'm still looking around.
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