Nonreligious Questions
Whether you’ve been turned off by religion in the past or have a question about one of the world’s religions, check out what Patheos has to offer.
This zoo of supernatural worship has one common quality: It’s all based on fictional fantasy and untrue claims — in other words, lies. Gods, devils, heavens, hells, visions, prophecies, saviors, blessed virgins, angels, demons, apparitions, miracles, holy visitations — none of this stuff is real. It’s all concocted by the human imagination. (Exceptions to note: Some Asian religions such as Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism and Confucianism are mostly philosophical, with few supernatural claims.)
What does it all mean? I think it means that supposedly logical humans have a streak of lunacy, of pure irrationality. Why on Earth do people invent magic tales and declare them real — even turn violent to defend them?
All supernatural religions are absurd because they proclaim “truths” that aren’t true. As educated modern people become more knowledgeable, the absurdity grows more obvious.