Testimony Testimonies and interviews of former members of the Worldwide Church of God


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
I agree that the WCG was indeed a cult based on legalism and ruled over by ministers that members referred to as little Hitlers. Much of what the WCG taught was the shadows in the old covenant. They were polytheistic having two Gods; the Father was the greater God and Jesus the lesser God. Very strict adherence to only parts of the law of Moses because they would keep what they wanted to but throw out the rest.

However, there was a benefit to my being there. I learned the law. The law is what we need saved from. In my attempt to keep the law I had to confess that I was a failure and this is the lesson of the schoolmaster of the law. You cannot fully appreciate grace unless you have been under this law. It was a, “ you had to be there “ type thing. I know both old and new covenants in a way that some cannot comprehend. In the WCG most of the people knew scripture but applied it incorrectly as the law deceived and slew us all without our knowing. The law was given by God because Adam chose the way of good and evil which the defines for the carnal mind sin. Think about it. The law or letter kills as does the forbidden fruit and is the knowledge of good and evil. The law looks good to the eyes and can make you wise but in the end it is the way of death. Proverbs 14:12 , describes the law. The law is holy, just and good, Romans 7:12 , because it justly condemns sinners to death. Some translations add righteous to this verse which is wrong because righteousness does not come from the law else Christ died for nothing. Galatians 2:21 . In 1993 I began a letter writing campaign to the Pastor General of the WCG and in those letters explained in detail with scripture how the WCG was wrong and only two years later Joseph W. Tkach made drastic changes that basically ended the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong. After Tkach Sr died his son Joe Jr took over and led the church into mainstream Churchianity , a move that destroyed the WCG . Now numerous splinter groups exist and the WCG is now Grace Communion International. If ex members only focus on the failings of the WCG and fail to learn from it this is an error because the WCG did have a few things right. The schoolmaster lesson needs to be understood else your suffering was for nothing.