General Preexistence undermines the humanity of Jesus


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2020

The humanity of Jesus is so important that Paul warns “if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed” (2Cor 11:4) or “a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you” (Gal 1:8) they run the risk of putting themselves under a curse!
As the late prominent Finnish scholar Raisanen put it:
“The farther one moves from the Jewish-messianic roots of Christology, the more the humanity of Jesus fades.”
I think the reason the NT emphasizes the humanity of the Messiah, via “the Son of Man,” is to take us back to the most quoted and alluded to OT verse: Dan 7.13! Many have seen and heard the echoes to this verse and another favorite OT verse, Dan 7:14.
Again, note the first part of John 5:27a:
“And he [God] gave him [son of man] authority…”
With the first part of Dan 7:14:
“And authority was given to him [son of man]…”
The 2nd part of John 5:27b tells you why:
“Because he is son of man [i.e., a human being].”
The same figure is so identified in Dan 7:13.
This famous prophecy from Daniel is also at the center of Jesus’ teaching regarding “the sign of the parousia,” that is “the end of the [present evil] age” in Matthew 24.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
To be human you must be a soul, a body joined with a human spirit. The soul of Jesus was the sacrifice for sin. The prophets describe Jesus as Gods righteous servant, Gods salvation, Gods son, that the rule and reign of Jesus was a surety and that Jesus would not fail. All these things were possible only because of the power of the God of Jesus. God became the God of Jesus in Mary's womb, not before as Jesus did not exist until God formed (created) him in his mother's womb.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
To be human you must be a soul, a body joined with a human spirit. The soul of Jesus was the sacrifice for sin. The prophets describe Jesus as Gods righteous servant, Gods salvation, Gods son, that the rule and reign of Jesus was a surety and that Jesus would not fail. All these things were possible only because of the power of the God of Jesus. God became the God of Jesus in Mary's womb, not before as Jesus did not exist until God formed (created) him in his mother's womb.