Near death experiences or NDE’s are experiences where a person comes very close to dying and have memories of supernatural phenomena that include bright lights, hear voices, and converse with other people who have died. These NDE are declared to be proof of life and consciousness after death. NDE occurs when a person for whatever reason is near death and unconscious.

There are two main definitions of death; clinical death is when a person appears dead but can be treated to actually prevent the second definition of death, biological death. Biological death is the when the brain ceases all function. During NDE the brain is still functioning thus is not biological death and the possibility of treatment may lead to recovery.

Now to examine what scripture says about death. All humans are a soul, the union of the human spirit with the human body. In the creation of Adam YAHWEH first made the body but life did not appear until the human spirit was injected or breath of life was given. The body without the spirit is dead. James 2:26 (first part) confirms this. Jesus said that no one has ever gone to heaven except himself. John 3:13 This proves claims of NDE false as well as the claim of seeing other dead people in heaven or hell. If you are near to death, clinically, then you are not biologically dead. Your brain is the interface between your human spirit and your body. The brain transmits to the many parts of your body signals from your spirit. At biological death the spirit leaves the body and returns to GOD but in a totally dormant state, unconscious state, called by Jesus sleep figuratively. Since your spirit is what contains all your memories and knowledge and not your brain all of what you are can be raised from the dead by GOD and put into a 100% spirit body in the first resurrection.

Your human spirit does not die when the body dies, it just becomes unconscious, non operational because your spirit must have a body in order to operate. Job 32:8 Psalm 146:4KJV Palm 115:17KJV Isaiah 38:18,19 Ecclesiastes 9:10 I believe NDE is either a response to physical trauma by a working brain yet joined to the human spirit or demonic activity. If the human spirit is not present in the body then the entire body is dead. Doctors cannot bring back the spirit. Doctors can, if the human spirit is present in the body, affect treatment leading hopefully to recovery. Satan and his demons have the ability to possess or influence a human spirit. In NDE demons use this ability to support the lie of the immortal soul. Indeed NDE is used by people who believe in the immoral soul lie, as proof of life immediately after death.

I am well aware that people who really believe in NDE will not accept scripture as proof it is false and that is up to them. YAHWEH said HIS people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
This discussion triggers my religious trauma: I’m afraid of being misled again, I’m afraid that doing nothing is wrong, but at the same time afraid of making the wrong choice, afraid of missing out, afraid of losing my loved ones again, afraid I can’t understand, afraid that I am not good enough, etc.

So I’m taking the time to recover and to focus on my own Bible reading.
There’s a busy time coming up at work, but I’m planning to be back during my vacation.

My hunger for knowing the truth is stronger than my fears, but I’ll have to do it on my own pace and take into consideration “little Petunia”. (See )

“I will only go as fast as the slowest part of me feels save to go” - from: Gentle with myself (Karen Drucker)

Take care!

I remember feeling just as you do now 30 years ago. I was scared to death about the world I made for myself in the WCG falling apart . It takes time, faith and patience. Hebrews 10:31 You are like me, dying to live in Christ. Romans 6:8 Galatians 2:20
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
As far as I know most people on this forum have come out of some type of deception. It seems the majority of them are former JW’s. Though the manner of deception may vary the shock and hurt of realizing it is genuine and life altering. Like Outcast I have learned to trust in GODS spirit and not man. Jesus promised peace, John 14:27 , this peace is not worldly but heavenly, John 16:33 , Philippians 4:7 , Colossians 3:15
We only find this peace with GOD and Christ. Proverbs 3:5,6 If anyone wants peace let them ask GOD.
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Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
I respect your decision, @Petunia and wish you success in your endeavors to self heal. I always recommend to new ones to be alone with their bible for a while and trust that the good brain God gave you will show you at the very least the broad strokes and you will have a solid baseline of your own.

Warm Christian Love!

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