Testimony My Road to Damascus


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
I was a member of the Worldwide Church of God. I came in when Herbert W. Armstrong was still alive and went through the “transition “ to Joseph W. Tkach. I was very loyal to Armstrongs teachings and when the “changes” started I was not happy. One major change that was not seen by most members was the acceptance of the trinity. After this I was very afraid and felt that my world was falling apart. I saw the others in the church swallow up whatever the ministers taught. I did not. It was about this time that I began to have thoughts in my mind that were not mine because these thoughts were against what Armstrong taught and what I believed. The thoughts were frequent and on various doctrinal subjects. I thought I was losing my mind or perhaps Satan was doing this. I was very desperate to know what was happening to me. I prayed to God a very sincere and humble prayer; I asked God to reveal the truth to me and that if He was willing I would obey and believe. I then just flipped opened my bible and it was at the book of Hebrews and I began reading the 11th chapter, verse 6, “but without faith it is impossible to please Him; for he that comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarded of them that diligently seek Him.” There was my answer. I saw faith was not in the law, nor mercy, forgiveness, justification and hope of everlasting life. With God as my teacher I was given understanding of many things. I realized that I was baptized into Moses not Christ so I, along with 4 others who I spoke to of this experience I had, got into a swimming pool and held hands. We all went under the water and up out together. Then, because there was no fit man, I asked God to stretch His own hands from heaven to us to give us that portion of His Spirit. From that day and forward it has been an awesome learning experience for us all. We fellowship whenever we can respecting no day and at the end of our study we have the bread and wine. We know that whatever is not of Gods love is sin. We obey the two great commandments of Christ loving God and neighbor. We do not involve ourselves in the affairs of the world. We know that what we are now was not of us but of God. We look into the future for the Kingdom of God on Earth to rule and reign with Jesus. Then we will help billions more people to see the same things we came to see and this will continue on into everlasting.
Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of men what God has prepared for those that love Him. All of you here on Simply Christian who have had a similar experience to mine, I encourage you to do what I did, go to God and not man. Jesus gave his life so you can do this.
Dana, I am sharing things that God has taught our small group here on Simply Christian. I hope you will read these posts. I would like to see what you think.
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