General My "Letter of Explanation" after DF announcement 12/29/20

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
It is with a heavy heart I write this letter. I love each and every person I am sending this to. I consider you my brothers and sisters in the faith.

I had an experience in Pioneer school that woke me up to many things I find wrong in the organization.

This letter is not to outline what my research revealed since then. I think that is a personal journey one must choose to take up.

The purpose of this letter is to let you know that I am spiritually healthy. I love Jehovah more than ever and I love his son Jesus in a way I never did before. I understand and experience the holy spirit differently too. My prayer life is good and I'm raising my kids to love Jehovah and his son and to have real relationships with them via the holy spirit. I have a ministry that has been a blessing to me and those it serves.

I wanted a chance to let you know I have committed no gross sin. If you have encountered me in the last 16 months you have no doubt found me to be the same kind, generous, loving person you've always known.

I maintain that I am not an apostate of the true teachings of Jesus. I may be an apostate (one who leaves their former religion) of the organization called Jehovah's Witnesses. I maintain that I am still a witness of Jehovah and Jesus and the truth - just not in association with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

I know that your trust and allegiance to the governing body and their rules will require that you no longer speak to me now that an official announcement has been made.

I implore you to do your own research. The first sign of a high-control group is telling you to not look outside the organization for information. To label all such information as "apostate lies" is unfounded. Don't fall for this. Use the brain God gave you. Critical thinking is not a dirty word - it is a biblical requirement. (1 Thessalonians 5:21 "Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine.") When we aren't allowed to question or challenge narratives, we ought to be suspicious because truth can always withstand scrutiny.

"It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry." --Thomas Paine

I also do not require "discipline from Jehovah" in the form of shunning as I have committed no gross sin. I simply have chosen to get under Christ's yoke instead of an organization's yoke. That is what he told us to do. Your shunning me will not cause me to "come back to Jehovah" as I am already with him - nor will it cause me to come back to the organization. I would be willing to fellowship and talk about our wonderful creator and his son but alas that is not allowed in this organization.

I have love for you all and pray you will be called out to see the real truth as I was. May Jehovah bless you all and may his holy spirit open your eyes.

The truth will withstand scrutiny, but a lie, no matter how skillfully crafted, will wilt and wither under the intense heat of an inspection” – -Rod Parsley

If you do have questions for me I would be happy to discuss with you - privately of course. You can call, text or whatsapp me at +1-609-992-7199. When you are ready I will welcome you with open arms.

With deep love and gratitude - your fellow witness of Jehovah,

Laureen Jandroep a.k.a. Lori Jane

My Story


Active member
Bible Challenge
Oct 4, 2020
Beautiful! Gritty. Transparent. Winsome. That was powerfully and gently conveyed in such an emotionally mature way! I'm proud to call you "friend".
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New member
Oct 6, 2020
It is with a heavy heart I write this letter. I love each and every person I am sending this to. I consider you my brothers and sisters in the faith.

I had an experience in Pioneer school that woke me up to many things I find wrong in the organization.

This letter is not to outline what my research revealed since then. I think that is a personal journey one must choose to take up.

The purpose of this letter is to let you know that I am spiritually healthy. I love Jehovah more than ever and I love his son Jesus in a way I never did before. I understand and experience the holy spirit differently too. My prayer life is good and I'm raising my kids to love Jehovah and his son and to have real relationships with them via the holy spirit. I have a ministry that has been a blessing to me and those it serves.

I wanted a chance to let you know I have committed no gross sin. If you have encountered me in the last 16 months you have no doubt found me to be the same kind, generous, loving person you've always known.

I maintain that I am not an apostate of the true teachings of Jesus. I may be an apostate (one who leaves their former religion) of the organization called Jehovah's Witnesses. I maintain that I am still a witness of Jehovah and Jesus and the truth - just not in association with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

I know that your trust and allegiance to the governing body and their rules will require that you no longer speak to me now that an official announcement has been made.

I implore you to do your own research. The first sign of a high-control group is telling you to not look outside the organization for information. To label all such information as "apostate lies" is unfounded. Don't fall for this. Use the brain God gave you. Critical thinking is not a dirty word - it is a biblical requirement. (1 Thessalonians 5:21 "Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine.") When we aren't allowed to question or challenge narratives, we ought to be suspicious because truth can always withstand scrutiny.

"It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry." --Thomas Paine

I also do not require "discipline from Jehovah" in the form of shunning as I have committed no gross sin. I simply have chosen to get under Christ's yoke instead of an organization's yoke. That is what he told us to do. Your shunning me will not cause me to "come back to Jehovah" as I am already with him - nor will it cause me to come back to the organization. I would be willing to fellowship and talk about our wonderful creator and his son but alas that is not allowed in this organization.

I have love for you all and pray you will be called out to see the real truth as I was. May Jehovah bless you all and may his holy spirit open your eyes.

The truth will withstand scrutiny, but a lie, no matter how skillfully crafted, will wilt and wither under the intense heat of an inspection” – -Rod Parsley

If you do have questions for me I would be happy to discuss with you - privately of course. You can call, text or whatsapp me at +1-609-992-7199. When you are ready I will welcome you with open arms.

With deep love and gratitude - your fellow witness of Jehovah,

Laureen Jandroep a.k.a. Lori Jane

My Story
Lori Jane. What a lovely letter. Hope it will touch the hearts of your PIMI friends and awaken them to the truth. Thanks for sharing.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2020
It is with a heavy heart I write this letter. I love each and every person I am sending this to. I consider you my brothers and sisters in the faith.

I had an experience in Pioneer school that woke me up to many things I find wrong in the organization.

This letter is not to outline what my research revealed since then. I think that is a personal journey one must choose to take up.

The purpose of this letter is to let you know that I am spiritually healthy. I love Jehovah more than ever and I love his son Jesus in a way I never did before. I understand and experience the holy spirit differently too. My prayer life is good and I'm raising my kids to love Jehovah and his son and to have real relationships with them via the holy spirit. I have a ministry that has been a blessing to me and those it serves.

I wanted a chance to let you know I have committed no gross sin. If you have encountered me in the last 16 months you have no doubt found me to be the same kind, generous, loving person you've always known.

I maintain that I am not an apostate of the true teachings of Jesus. I may be an apostate (one who leaves their former religion) of the organization called Jehovah's Witnesses. I maintain that I am still a witness of Jehovah and Jesus and the truth - just not in association with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

I know that your trust and allegiance to the governing body and their rules will require that you no longer speak to me now that an official announcement has been made.

I implore you to do your own research. The first sign of a high-control group is telling you to not look outside the organization for information. To label all such information as "apostate lies" is unfounded. Don't fall for this. Use the brain God gave you. Critical thinking is not a dirty word - it is a biblical requirement. (1 Thessalonians 5:21 "Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine.") When we aren't allowed to question or challenge narratives, we ought to be suspicious because truth can always withstand scrutiny.

"It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry." --Thomas Paine

I also do not require "discipline from Jehovah" in the form of shunning as I have committed no gross sin. I simply have chosen to get under Christ's yoke instead of an organization's yoke. That is what he told us to do. Your shunning me will not cause me to "come back to Jehovah" as I am already with him - nor will it cause me to come back to the organization. I would be willing to fellowship and talk about our wonderful creator and his son but alas that is not allowed in this organization.

I have love for you all and pray you will be called out to see the real truth as I was. May Jehovah bless you all and may his holy spirit open your eyes.

The truth will withstand scrutiny, but a lie, no matter how skillfully crafted, will wilt and wither under the intense heat of an inspection” – -Rod Parsley

If you do have questions for me I would be happy to discuss with you - privately of course. You can call, text or whatsapp me at +1-609-992-7199. When you are ready I will welcome you with open arms.

With deep love and gratitude - your fellow witness of Jehovah,

Laureen Jandroep a.k.a. Lori Jane

My Story
Is leaving the Org a “gross sin,” according to them?



Active member
Bible Challenge
Oct 3, 2020
I have come to know you as someone who loves our Lord deeply. The amount of effort that you have put into research and the increase of your spirituality is truly amazing. You are one of the most proficient people I've met.

That said, I like Romans 8:9-

"However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him."

You have that assurance.

Much love ,

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
I have come to know you as someone who loves our Lord deeply. The amount of effort that you have put into research and the increase of your spirituality is truly amazing. You are one of the most proficient people I've met.
Aww thanks so much Neil - that means a lot to me. I love my new friends! So REAL and encouraging and supportive.
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Sheryl Bogolin

New member
Oct 30, 2020
It is with a heavy heart I write this letter. I love each and every person I am sending this to. I consider you my brothers and sisters in the faith.

I had an experience in Pioneer school that woke me up to many things I find wrong in the organization.

This letter is not to outline what my research revealed since then. I think that is a personal journey one must choose to take up.

The purpose of this letter is to let you know that I am spiritually healthy. I love Jehovah more than ever and I love his son Jesus in a way I never did before. I understand and experience the holy spirit differently too. My prayer life is good and I'm raising my kids to love Jehovah and his son and to have real relationships with them via the holy spirit. I have a ministry that has been a blessing to me and those it serves.

I wanted a chance to let you know I have committed no gross sin. If you have encountered me in the last 16 months you have no doubt found me to be the same kind, generous, loving person you've always known.

I maintain that I am not an apostate of the true teachings of Jesus. I may be an apostate (one who leaves their former religion) of the organization called Jehovah's Witnesses. I maintain that I am still a witness of Jehovah and Jesus and the truth - just not in association with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

I know that your trust and allegiance to the governing body and their rules will require that you no longer speak to me now that an official announcement has been made.

I implore you to do your own research. The first sign of a high-control group is telling you to not look outside the organization for information. To label all such information as "apostate lies" is unfounded. Don't fall for this. Use the brain God gave you. Critical thinking is not a dirty word - it is a biblical requirement. (1 Thessalonians 5:21 "Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine.") When we aren't allowed to question or challenge narratives, we ought to be suspicious because truth can always withstand scrutiny.

"It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry." --Thomas Paine

I also do not require "discipline from Jehovah" in the form of shunning as I have committed no gross sin. I simply have chosen to get under Christ's yoke instead of an organization's yoke. That is what he told us to do. Your shunning me will not cause me to "come back to Jehovah" as I am already with him - nor will it cause me to come back to the organization. I would be willing to fellowship and talk about our wonderful creator and his son but alas that is not allowed in this organization.

I have love for you all and pray you will be called out to see the real truth as I was. May Jehovah bless you all and may his holy spirit open your eyes.

The truth will withstand scrutiny, but a lie, no matter how skillfully crafted, will wilt and wither under the intense heat of an inspection” – -Rod Parsley

If you do have questions for me I would be happy to discuss with you - privately of course. You can call, text or whatsapp me at +1-609-992-7199. When you are ready I will welcome you with open arms.

With deep love and gratitude - your fellow witness of Jehovah,

Laureen Jandroep a.k.a. Lori Jane

My Story
You express yourself so well Lori. You have given me some good ideas that I want to make my own. I've not yet been disfellowshipped, but I want to reach out to several people before I am. I love you and your courage and love for truth.

Lady Em

Bible Challenge
Oct 23, 2020
Wow Lori...this is very powerful. Thank you for sharing. I admire you greatly and appreciate all you do. Much love to you💝


Active member
Bible Challenge
Oct 12, 2020
Lori Jane,
This letter was so heart felt and sincere. I hope that others in the organization will see what you wrote and recognize your sincerity like we all do. I am proud happy to call you my sister and friend. 💕 🤗
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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2020
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Diana S

Staff member
Bible Challenge
Oct 15, 2021
The Netherlands
I think this letter is complete. From the heart and with Spirit. Written with love and respect for the jw brothers and sisters and yet very clear. And you keep the door open for those who want to know more of your waking up and who might keep your words in mind when they wake up and hopefully leave.
Let's hope your words have planted a seed or will still.
They did with me. I was already out but your first video strengthened me in my faith journey for truth and getting to know you has helped me in my love for our Father, Jesus, the Spirit and the Kingdom.
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