English Monotarian Bible Study / Q&A with Ray Faircloth (Saturday)

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
Saturday's at 2:00 PM EST (New York Time) [Convert to your timezone]

Facilitated by: Raymond Faircloth

Format: Topical Bible Study / Q&A

Most in the group believe as Christian Monotarians / Biblical Unitarians / Abrahamic Faith Believers which means non-trinitarian, the sleep of the dead (you are asleep in death awaiting the resurrection), There is one God the creator Yahweh (Jehovah, Yehovah, etc.)

Topic: Ray's Meetings

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ID: 899 4958 6346 Passcode: truthful
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Hi, Lori Could you please direct me here at SimplyChristianFaith.com how to find the subject text in discussion for the Thursday 2pm Monitarian Bible study on December 2, 2021 and so on with Ray Faircloth. Where or what do I open to view the subject text for study? Thanks , Saveria
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Could you please direct me here at SimplyChristianFaith.com how to find the subject text
Hi Saveria,

Ray normally sends me what he's speaking about and supporting papers (he uses papers instead of power points or other style handouts). He normally gives them to me the day before or morning of the meeting and I email them to those on the Christian Monotarian meeting list which you can join here Announcement Lists – Simply Christian.
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Its an amazing subject. Made my brain hurt for a few months trying to wrap my head around it. I swear holy spirit swooped in to rescue me from the cognitive dissonance I was having trying to reconcile this pre existence issue. I learned quickly whether you believe Jesus pre existed or not tends to divide people that's for sure. Oh well doctrine tends to do that.
Saturday's at 2:00 PM EST (New York Time) [Convert to your timezone]

Facilitated by: Raymond Faircloth

Format: Topical Bible Study / Q&A

Most in the group believe as Christian Monotarians / Biblical Unitarians / Abrahamic Faith Believers which means non-trinitarian, the sleep of the dead (you are asleep in death awaiting the resurrection), There is one God the creator Yahweh (Jehovah, Yehovah, etc.)

Topic: Ray's Meetings

Join Zoom Meeting
ID: 899 4958 6346 Passcode: truthful
Thank you Lori.

Love, Walter
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