Announcement March planned for Jan 23, 2022 in Washington DC

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA

Our goal is to demand new policies to eliminate the state sanctioned discrimination by vaccination status.

We will begin at the Washington Monument at 11:30am and end at the Lincoln Memorial where a wide range of featured guests will be waiting.

Recording artists, prominent doctors, first responders, journalists, pro athletes, and premier thought leaders will give a series of inspiring "TED talks" and musical performances.

We are not marching against the COVID vaccines, we’re marching against the government forcing these vaccines onto Americans. It’s something I hope we can all agree on.

For example:

  1. We don’t even know what is inside these vials and we are being forced to take it.
  2. The VAERS data shows the vaccines kill more people than they save (by 15X)
  3. The vaccines suppress your immune system making you more likely to be infected
  4. There is no stopping condition. If 1M people are killed by the vaccines, they won’t stop them.
It’s time to join people across the globe marching on the same day in the Worldwide Rally for Freedom on January 23.

Stay tuned here for updates on our list of featured guests and speakers to be released this week.

How can you help the cause? Donate here:

Support the Defeat the Mandates March


The Unity Project
A non-partisan, non-profit educational organization, promotes a “children-first” agenda focused on integrity, care, rationality, and evidence-based motivation.

Children's Health Defense®
A 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Its mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and to establish safeguards so this never happens again.

Global Covid Summit
The product of an international alliance of physicians and medical scientists, committed to speaking truth to power about Covid pandemic research and treatment. Please read and consider signing our Declaration HERE.

For more information​

Defeat the Mandates Home page


Twitter: @dchomecoming

Facebook: Facebook Group

GETTR: DefeatMandates

Instagram: DefeatTheMandatesDC

If you cannot attend, here’s how you can help​

The event costs over $500,000 to put on. I committed to be a major funder of the event. If you are not already a paying subscriber of my substack, please consider upgrading to $5/month or $50/yr paid subscription. The subscription revenue that I receive helps us to pay for events such as this. Thanks!