Video Kingdom Ambassadors

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
Check out this new teaching from March 2, 2022

Kingdom Ambassadors

By Sean Finnegan

Matthew 6:33 Jesus told us to seek first God’s Kingdom and righteousness. What does this mean? What is God’s Kingdom?

Amos 9:13-15 Amos envisioned a day full of such abundance that the plowman would overtake the reaper and the mountains drip sweet wine.

Isaiah 2:2-4 Isaiah prophesied of a mountain to which many people would come to learn God’s ways. At that time, God will judge between the nations, bringing eternal peace on earth.

Jeremiah 23:5-6 Jeremiah predicted coming days when Yahweh will raise up for David a righteous branch to reign as king, deal wisely, and execute justice in the land.

Ezekiel 37:12-14 God spoke to Ezekiel about a time when He will open the graves and raise His people from the dead, so that they will once again live in their own land.

Daniel 2:31-35, 44-45 Daniel interpreted the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar. The stone that destroyed the statue and became a mountain represented the Kingdom that the God of heaven will establish forever on earth.

Putting this together, the Kingdom is when God will establish His rule over the earth through the son of David in order to bring about lasting justice, peace, and prosperity forever for His resurrected people. This Kingdom and the righteousness that belongs to it are what we are to seek today. Thus, we are not just citizens, but ambassadors who, like Jesus, experience and exemplify a foretaste of what God plans to do with the whole world.

How then should we relate to the world? Jesus calls us to be separate from the world (John 17:13-17), but also to follow his example of testifying to the world (John 17:18-23). He was accessible and involved in people’s lives but did not allow himself to get entangled in worldly disputes (Luke 12:13-14; 13:1-5; 20:20-26).

The post Kingdom Ambassadors appeared first on Living Hope International Ministries.