Article Impersonal Word of God Becomes Personal Son of God

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA

Impersonal Word of God Becomes Personal Son of God​

What does Luke 1:35 have in common with John 1:14? Let’s find out.

Luke 1:35: “The angel answered, ‘Holy spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy child will be called the Son of God.’”

As has been pointed out by several astute teachers of the Bible including Anthony Buzzard, the angel Gabriel declares to Mary that her child will be the Son of God specifically because he is miraculously begotten by the power of the holy spirit of God. We don’t have to speculate as to why (or when) Jesus would be the Son of God — it is because he begins to exist (the meaning of “begotten”) in his mother Mary due to a miracle of the holy spirit.

This truth given to Luke is, not surprisingly, shared by John in his gospel.

John 1:14: “And the word became flesh, and lived among us, and we saw his glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

Here we see the impersonal word of God in John 1:1, coming into existence as a person (“begotten”) from God the Father. The impersonal word of God becomes the Son of God at the moment the human Jesus comes into existence (begotten). Translation bias has caused “word” to be given an upper case “W” in verse 1 and onward so as to suppose an actual person. That bias also gives us “he” and “him” instead of “it” in verses 2-4.

Both Luke and John report something foundationally important for Bible readers and believers to understand. Jesus is the model of a human being who is in full Father/child fellowship with God. He is everything God intended humans to be in order for them to take their God-given place as successful rulers of this planet, faithfully and accurately representing the Creator in doing so (Gen. 1:26-28; Heb. 2:5-10).

The word of God conveys His spirit and mind and so, in a practical sense, the spirit of God and the word of God are barely distinguishable from each other. Over and over again Jesus tells us that he speaks only the words of his Father, and that these words are spirit and truth (John 6:63). The sword of the spirit is the word of God (Eph. 6:17).

The point here is: when the spirit of God overshadowed Mary to beget Jesus, it was the word of God which was the seed of that new human life. Everything that God purposed to do when He spoke the creation (including mankind) into existence was embedded in the man Jesus. As the impersonal word of God made flesh, Jesus was everything it means to be a personal human son (or daughter) of God destined to lead mankind in the ruler-ship of His created order.

Being the embodiment of the word of God, it is no surprise at all that Jesus began his ministry by announcing the coming Kingdom of God (Mark 1:1, 14, 15), which is the good news that God has made a pathway to accomplish His original purpose for humanity. That, of course, is the rest of the story. But here we see that Luke and John agree: Jesus the begotten (coming into existence) human is himself the Messiah. At this moment the impersonal became personal, and not before.


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Diana S

Staff member
Bible Challenge
Oct 15, 2021
The Netherlands
This is another thing I have been struggling with: Jesus' pre-existence in heaven as an archangel. Thoughts came to my mind through the years, that if Jesus knew he would go back to heaven to be with his Father again, what would actually be the sacrifice?(No offence) But as a good Jehovah's Witness I didn't pounder over it, put it on the shelf and would wait on Jehovah.
Jesus was full of Holy Spirit (Luke 4:1, 14) but still he 'cried out in a loud voice: ...'My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?' That sounds to me he wasn't filled with Holy Spirit at that time, but that he was actually human, perfect, but fully human. Which also means I think he felt everything as a human, but felt everything perfectly, so his sacrifice was fully, perfectly felt. He suffered as a perfect human. So what he endured, suffered, we cannot imagine how that was. I think.
I struggled with Jesus not having a pre-existence as well, (watchtower mind still in me?) but I am beginning to understand this more and more too.
I looked up the word 'begotten'. So in Swedish it says 'född', coming from the verb 'frambinga', which means: bring forth, bring, CREATE, produce, generate, begotten. So Jesus was CREATED at that time through Holy Spirit in Mary. Right?!
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