General I have a question


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2023
When I come to this site - every morning - and look to see WHAT'S NEW, I see so many posts that are anti-JW. I have never been to a JW church, so I am speaking from ignorance, I don't intend here to offend anyone. I would like to know what motivates all these anti-JW threads?

Have people been so hurt by them, and that is why the focus against JW churches?

I left my church when they decided that I was no longer qualified to lead scripture studies - even though I have a Batchelor's in scriptural studies. But, I am not angry with them. It would make no sense to waste time like that. Those church leaders there are blind to scripture. They don't want to see, and it does not hurt me that they are that way. Those people still speak to me when I see them, and it pains me (yes, there is THAT) that there is no one to lead them now to dive into scripture like they should. That gives me sorrow.

I am of the opinion that we are to love everyone as Yahweh demands. If I am doing that, I have no time to focus on any anger toward their leaders.

So, are the JW threads in community resources there to enable folks to remove themselves from their denomination/cult? I guess I don't understand the draw of someone to join them.
I am of the opinion that we are to love everyone as Yahweh demands. If I am doing that, I have no time to focus on any anger toward their leaders.
Yes you can easily ignore sub-forums that don't resonate with you and focus on the ones that do.

Others are processing a lot of pain and confusion and need to talk things out. Also some feel the need to expose what they consider harmful practices for those studying with JWs and not realizing what they may be getting into.
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This is true of all religions organizations to varying degrees. Unless someone is born into the JW’s they chose to join. Would any of the exJW’s here call the JW’s Christians ? Yes coming out of a cult can be traumatic but the faster one does the better. The GOD of all comfort is the best way to deal with the trauma. Outcast nor I have ever been a Jehovahs Witness but both of us have suffered trauma but we have found that comfort GOD offers. As an outsider I look at this continuing preoccupation with any cult as a stumbling block to overcome the trauma and grow as a Christian. To not do so makes us a spiritual cripple so to speak and the constant attacks to seem more like vengeance then trying to help those who were traumatized. The current approach is like continuing to rip open a wound, it never heals. Yes, help the traumatized, but cease the attacks. Think about it.
Yes you can easily ignore sub-forums that don't resonate with you and focus on the ones that do.

Others are processing a lot of pain and confusion and need to talk things out. Also some feel the need to expose what they consider harmful practices for those studying with JWs and not realizing what they may be getting into.
Wow, it must have been very painful, or it still is. Sad.
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So, are the JW threads in community resources there to enable folks to remove themselves from their denomination/cult? I guess I don't understand the draw of someone to join them.
That is exactly the point, Outcast. People do not join a cult.

That is why this high-control group, the Jehovah's Witnesses is one of the most dangerous groups out there.
They're very, very friendly at the door or where ever you meet them, but they don't tell you everything and in most cases they can't, because they don't know what is really going on behind closed doors either, until they are confronted with it.

People, read millions, are getting hurt, physically, mentally, spiritually and financially as well.

A lot even die for this 'organization' or for Jehovah/Jahweh or let others die, because they think through manipulation and brainwashing that they do the right thing.

Over 30.000 have died, over decades, because they refuse blood transfusions.
If they died in one day, like about 1000 followers of Jim Jones died in one day, they would have made headlines too.
But now Watchtower gets away with it.
In my opinion.

Children are not safe, because the leaders have a policy, called 'the 2 witness rule', that protects pedophiles and they won't change it.

People get disfellowshipped and shunned when they made a mistake.
I know 15 persons, including friends of mine who have been sexually abused and had to sit in the same Kingdom Hall (their church building) as the perpetraders.

These are just some examples.
Doctrinal it is a danger too.

I left the Watchtower after 39 years.
And when you want to leave you find out that it is a narcisstic cult.
I understand why rebuttals are placed here. It is fot those Witnesses who are still in the organization and others to help them see what they can't see, to hopefully help them wake up and break free from the Watchtower slavery.
As an outsider I look at this continuing preoccupation with any cult as a stumbling block to overcome the trauma and grow as a Christian.
I can see why you think so and many can't grow or stay angry and I think it could be possible that they can't forget or possibly can't forgive. In my opinion people can grow spiritually and help others wake up.
Especially when they are out of the control and influence of that cult.
A friend of mine has grown as a christian and has become a Religious Trauma Therapist.
Forgiving is also healing. Anger is a phase, but unfortunately some stay angry.
But no one is the same. We are all different and all have different experiences and trauma's.
Some are happy to be out of there and some commit suicide because they can't handle what they have been through.

The rebuttals are primarily shared to help others.
We all have one GOD and FATHER who is the GOD of all comfort. If we as HIS people fail to use the connection to HIM by the spirit HE has given us then there will be no comfort. Dwelling in the past is to have no future. GOD is bigger than any problem we may have. I have seen people who claim to be Christian that never stop grieving about the loss of a loved one, this is not normal, nor healthy physically or spiritually.
There is only so much we can do therefore what we cannot do we look to GOD .
That is exactly the point, Outcast. People do not join a cult.

That is why this high-control group, the Jehovah's Witnesses is one of the most dangerous groups out there.
They're very, very friendly at the door or where ever you meet them, but they don't tell you everything and in most cases they can't, because they don't know what is really going on behind closed doors either, until they are confronted with it.

People, read millions, are getting hurt, physically, mentally, spiritually and financially as well.

A lot even die for this 'organization' or for Jehovah/Jahweh or let others die, because they think through manipulation and brainwashing that they do the right thing.

Over 30.000 have died, over decades, because they refuse blood transfusions.
If they died in one day, like about 1000 followers of Jim Jones died in one day, they would have made headlines too.
But now Watchtower gets away with it.
In my opinion.

Children are not safe, because the leaders have a policy, called 'the 2 witness rule', that protects pedophiles and they won't change it.

People get disfellowshipped and shunned when they made a mistake.
I know 15 persons, including friends of mine who have been sexually abused and had to sit in the same Kingdom Hall (their church building) as the perpetraders.

These are just some examples.
Doctrinal it is a danger too.

I left the Watchtower after 39 years.
And when you want to leave you find out that it is a narcisstic cult.
I understand why rebuttals are placed here. It is fot those Witnesses who are still in the organization and others to help them see what they can't see, to hopefully help them wake up and break free from the Watchtower slavery.
I had little to no idea that the issue was this deep. The only reason I can begin to realize this is by how much effort goes into rebutting the teachings of Watchtower.

However, the things that people believe often have nothing to do with reality. They continue to follow the teachings of men instead of the truth of God. I think that is what springs the trap.

This trap also exists in most modern churches, but I didn't know how bad it is with JW's.

I wonder if there is such an effort to free Muslims?
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I had little to no idea that the issue was this deep. The only reason I can begin to realize this is by how much effort goes into rebutting the teachings of Watchtower.

However, the things that people believe often have nothing to do with reality. They continue to follow the teachings of men instead of the truth of God. I think that is what springs the trap.

This trap also exists in most modern churches, but I didn't know how bad it is with JW's.

I wonder if there is such an effort to free Muslims?
Exactly. High control groups like Watchtower brainwash people and children into another reality. They live amongst us but are secluded. Their hearts and minds are not theirs anymore. Look up cognitive dissonance. They really can't think for themselves anymore, with anything.
Exactly. High control groups like Watchtower brainwash people and children into another reality. They live amongst us but are secluded. Their hearts and minds are not theirs anymore. Look up cognitive dissonance. They really can't think for themselves anymore, with anything.
That can be said about many groups in our world. But, it appears that this group we are speaking of hurts themselves and family. Other groups with cognitive dissonance hurt the rest of us.

Satan's battle against God has succeeded to corrupt this world - and often in the name of God.
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Yes, when religion or 'in the name of God' is added in a fight or war it gets worse, fanatic, dangerous.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe they are now in a spiritual war or fight.

This is an excerpt from a website from a former jw explaining what 'Spiritual warfare' for jw's means:
"Jehovah's Witnesses are told that they are in "theocratic warfare" or "spiritual warfare" with the world. This warfare includes the strategy that being misleading, or even lying, is acceptable in situations where such dishonesty furthers the organisation's interests."

Here is a link to the official website of Watchtower with articles about 'Spiritual warfare' (Read manipulation, brainwashing)
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Yes, when religion or 'in the name of God' is added in a fight or war it gets worse, fanatic, dangerous.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe they are now in a spiritual war or fight.

This is an excerpt from a website from a former jw explaining what 'Spiritual warfare' for jw's means:
"Jehovah's Witnesses are told that they are in "theocratic warfare" or "spiritual warfare" with the world. This warfare includes the strategy that being misleading, or even lying, is acceptable in situations where such dishonesty furthers the organisation's interests."

Here is a link to the official website of Watchtower with articles about 'Spiritual warfare' (Read manipulation, brainwashing)
I think we are aware of the spiritual fight we are in. Ephesians chapter 6 talks about it.

Eph 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

In my mind, however, manipulation and brainwashing happens all over the world, pretty much all the time, in order to control people and achieve the goals of those in positions of power.

Would you say that the JW organization is controlled by those spiritual authorities? It am aware that It is much easier for us to blame a man for the evil, because it is typically a human being that we see when evil occurs. Since we still exist as flesh, we tend to react in the flesh.

I am not able to "know" the depth of the pain someone's spirit has suffered when giving authority to those who control the JW organization, so I can only imagine the emotional trauma. I have suffered emotional trauma, however, and I recovered from it when I fully committed to Yahweh through His Son. I think that is the answer, but I know it was not an instant cure. I had too much to learn after think I already "knew."

As with other topics, I wonder what it was that causes people to enter the door of an organization that is controlled by evil powers. But, then I remember that each "church" I have ever gone to lies about the nature of God and His Son -which is also evil.

Ephesians is not about attacking those who are evil but about withstanding their evil by the power of God. Yahweh will one day bring their whole house of cards down.
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I think we are aware of the spiritual fight we are in. Ephesians chapter 6 talks about it.

Eph 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

In my mind, however, manipulation and brainwashing happens all over the world, pretty much all the time, in order to control people and achieve the goals of those in positions of power.

Would you say that the JW organization is controlled by those spiritual authorities? It am aware that It is much easier for us to blame a man for the evil, because it is typically a human being that we see when evil occurs. Since we still exist as flesh, we tend to react in the flesh.

As with other topics, I wonder what it was that causes people to enter the door of an organization that is controlled by evil powers. But, then I remember that each "church" I have ever gone to lies about the nature of God and His Son -which is also evil.

Ephesians is not about attacking those who are evil but about withstanding their evil by the power of God. Yahweh will one day bring their whole house of cards down.
Actually, now that I am out, I do believe the Watchtower is under ghe influence of those dark evil powers.
They are very deceiving, spiritualy. Makes me think of Revelation 18. Especially verse 23, (deceived by sorcery)

Again what causes people to enter an evil organization is that people are being thouroughly deceived. They start by being utterly friendly, tbe narcissistic love-bombing'. They reel you in by speaking of a loving God who has a name, Jehovah.
They speak of a paradise earth, eternal life in perfect health,world peace, resurrection, you will see your beloved who died again and that everyone needs go hear and know about this. So you need to preach, like Jesus did and we will guide you and help you, with anything. And they will. As long as you believe as they do. But they don't tell you that.
Something else they don't tell you, because they don't know, is that the leaders (elders) have to uphold "the 2 witness-rule', which basicly means that when you are a Witness and your child is being sexually abused, your child needs another witness.... and the elders have to contact the Watchtower branch and they will be connected with the legal department.
You see the people already think/know that when any problem arises they need to go to the elders (instead of thd police), because that is what has been put in their brain.
People don't know when they are brainwashed and being manipulated.
It goes on and on.
I feel so much for those who are still in.
Actually, now that I am out, I do believe the Watchtower is under ghe influence of those dark evil powers.
They are very deceiving, spiritualy. Makes me think of Revelation 18. Especially verse 23, (deceived by sorcery)

Again what causes people to enter an evil organization is that people are being thouroughly deceived. They start by being utterly friendly, tbe narcissistic love-bombing'. They reel you in by speaking of a loving God who has a name, Jehovah.
They speak of a paradise earth, eternal life in perfect health,world peace, resurrection, you will see your beloved who died again and that everyone needs go hear and know about this. So you need to preach, like Jesus did and we will guide you and help you, with anything. And they will. As long as you believe as they do. But they don't tell you that.
Something else they don't tell you, because they don't know, is that the leaders (elders) have to uphold "the 2 witness-rule', which basicly means that when you are a Witness and your child is being sexually abused, your child needs another witness.... and the elders have to contact the Watchtower branch and they will be connected with the legal department.
You see the people already think/know that when any problem arises they need to go to the elders (instead of thd police), because that is what has been put in their brain.
People don't know when they are brainwashed and being manipulated.
It goes on and on.
I feel so much for those who are still in.
So, they have their own government. What you describe goes beyond Matt 18, though.

Mt 18:15–17 If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.
Avoiding civil court, it appears, only when one believer has an issue with another.

1 Co 6:1–2 When one of you has a grievance against another, does he dare go to law before the unrighteous instead of the saints? Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases?

That is all interesting by comparison.

I have not seen a "church" that followed either passage completely. Apparently, the JW church expanded its authority as if it were a sovereign country.

So, it must be a problem when their leadership kicks you out of the organization. I would think it is a blessing, but apparently the membership doesn't see it that way.