Testimony How Long Did God Wait For Me


Active member
Dec 5, 2023
My previous attempt to write my testimony got long enough to call a book. Here is my Cliff Notes:

I have a gift for teaching. I frequently taught technical subjects regarding aircraft maintenance. I'm a nut-and-bolt kind of guy. Details matter!

Fast forward, I realized long ago that I knew very little about the Bible. I knew a lot about the things I had been taught, however. I trusted the teachers and preachers to know and teach "the truth." I remembered so well that I was asked to both teach and preach. (How's that for the blind leading the blind?) It seemed like people liked my classes and sermons.

Then, I ran across scripture that contradicted what I had been taught. But, details matter, so I had to dig in and solve that problem. Despite what I had been taught, I found that I had been misled. That upset me. When I told people at church that I had found that something else was true, I found that the friendly people stopped smiling at me. So, I changed churches.

I knew nothing of hermeneutics, exegesis, eisegesis, need for awareness of Hebrew history or culture, church history, or the history of the Bible. I enrolled in school and started solving that problem. That, however, created another problem that was not fully revealed for years.

During that time, I created my own non-profit to host evangelism events with a group of volunteers and did that for several years. I took over a small group Bible Study and created my own lesson plans instead of using the commercial booklet the church provided. They were way too shallow and sometimes misleading.

For some reason known only to God, I never attempted to discern the truth of the Trinity until that past year. That became a major issue for me. That doctrine is rarely challenged, because it had become "a core of Christianity." Well, one of my members of my group told me that he didn't accept that doctrine and had been told that he couldn't be "saved" because of that. I told the whole class that I knew of no requirement in scripture announced that.

Eventually, I dug into it for myself. When it was revealed to me that it is a bad doctrine, I mentioned that to the church pastor. It was only a few days later he called to tell me that he and his deacons decided I was not acceptable to lead Bible studies in his church. I went to see him, and I asked him why. He really had no answer other than because it was in the Southern Baptist Statement of Faith. The word got out in our small town and the gossip flew - even to the people who do not attend that church.

I let the pastor know that believing in the Trinity is a sin against God, because it make Jesus a liar and God a deceiver. So, I cannot participate in their worship services or sermons. They wouldn't prohibit me, but most songs sung today worship only Jesus as God, and statements in sermons make the same claim. I cannot participate in that. I realize most folks here seem to be escaping from a more controlling type of church, I think I am simply avoiding the sin of ignoring God's 1st and 2nd of the Ten Commandments.

I do miss my friends from that church anyway,


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New member
Jun 23, 2024
Thank you for your testimony.

I feel your pain! leaving behind my JW community was really hard as well.
There’s a Protestant church nearby, I already know some nice people there. If I could go there I could be part of a community, participate, be of use.
So I listened on YouTube to a few sermons. It was actually better then I expected. But I could NEVER be part of them because of the trinity. (John 4:24)

Have a nice day!
Ruth 2:12


Active member
Dec 5, 2023
Thank you for your testimony.

I feel your pain! leaving behind my JW community was really hard as well.
There’s a Protestant church nearby, I already know some nice people there. If I could go there I could be part of a community, participate, be of use.
So I listened on YouTube to a few sermons. It was actually better then I expected. But I could NEVER be part of them because of the trinity. (John 4:24)

Have a nice day!
Ruth 2:12
Exactly, each time I tried to stay with my local church, the songs and sermons validated the trinity as true, and I felt guilt for participating.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
The trinity is only one of dozens of lies. Jude warned of this Jude1:4 and Jesus in Matthew 24:5 , they come in the name of Christ saying that Jesus is the messiah but deceive many. Revelation 12:9 is a very true statement.
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New member
Jun 23, 2024
@ Outcast: you followed your conscience - not the easiest way, but the right way!

1 Timothy 1:5 Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
The trinity is only one of dozens of lies. Jude warned of this Jude1:4 and Jesus in Matthew 24:5 , they come in the name of Christ saying that Jesus is the messiah but deceive many. Revelation 12:9 is a very true statement


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Petunia, what is your understanding of Ezekiel 34 ? Given the deception in the world did GOD do anything to protect HIS saints ?


New member
Jun 23, 2024
@ LeeB

I love that chapter! Our elders let us (my husband and me) down and mistreated us.
vs 4-5: The weak ye have not strengthened, And the sick one ye have not healed, And the broken ye have not bound up, And the driven away have not brought back, And the lost ye have not sought, And with might ye have ruled them and with rigour. And they are scattered from want of a shepherd

This chapter was such an encouragement!
vs 16: The lost I seek, and the driven away bring back, And the broken I bind up, and the sick I strengthen

Even before I woke up YHWH became my only Shepherd (I couldn’t trust the human shepherds anymore), he cared for me and eventually guided me out of that narcissistic organization.
And by waking me up He delivered me

vs 27: they have known that I am Jehovah, In My breaking the bands of their yoke, And I have delivered them from the hand of those laying service on them.

I was drawn out of this cult by the good shepherd (John 10:11,14-15)
vs 23-24: And have raised up over them one shepherd, And he hath fed them—my servant David, He doth feed them, and he is their shepherd, And I, Jehovah, I am their God, And My servant David prince in their midst.

I am looking forward to the complete fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy!

Reading this chapter again brought me back to that difficult time and the comfort I felt by being carried by my Shepherd! Thank you for reminding me and encouraging me to trust in Him - not in men! (Ps. 146:3)

What are your thoughts about Ezekiel 34?

Have a nice day! (Heb. 13:20-21)

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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
@ LeeB

I love that chapter! Our elders let us (my husband and me) down and mistreated us.
vs 4-5: The weak ye have not strengthened, And the sick one ye have not healed, And the broken ye have not bound up, And the driven away have not brought back, And the lost ye have not sought, And with might ye have ruled them and with rigour. And they are scattered from want of a shepherd

This chapter was such an encouragement!
vs 16: The lost I seek, and the driven away bring back, And the broken I bind up, and the sick I strengthen

Even before I woke up YHWH became my only Shepherd (I couldn’t trust the human shepherds anymore), he cared for me and eventually guided me out of that narcissistic organization.
And by waking me up He delivered me

vs 27: they have known that I am Jehovah, In My breaking the bands of their yoke, And I have delivered them from the hand of those laying service on them.

I was drawn out of this cult by the good shepherd (John 10:11,14-15)
vs 23-24: And have raised up over them one shepherd, And he hath fed them—my servant David, He doth feed them, and he is their shepherd, And I, Jehovah, I am their God, And My servant David prince in their midst.

I am looking forward to the complete fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy!

Reading this chapter again brought me back to that difficult time and the comfort I felt by being carried by my Shepherd! Thank you for reminding me and encouraging me to trust in Him - not in men! (Ps. 146:3)

What are your thoughts about Ezekiel 34?

Have a nice day! (Heb. 13:20-21)

GOD knows all things. I view this as a prophecy of GOD removing all human shepherds after the death of the Apostle John. If the church was going to survive to the return of Christ with the doctrinal truth about GOD , Christ and the gospel then GOD and Christ would have to take over total control of the church. This was done due to the great deception GOD knew was coming. Then GOD and Christ become the leader and teacher of the church.


New member
Jun 23, 2024
I agree that God knew that the great deception would come. But I’m not sure I understand what you exactly mean. Do you say that:

- after the apostle John died there were no good human shepherds anymore?
- God and Christ have already taken over total control of the church?
- The doctrinal truth about God, Christ and the gospel is now clear in the church?

Please correct me if I misunderstood.

P.S. Is it possible to move this discussion from Outcasts testimony to another place? It doesn’t feel right to have it here.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
@ Outcast: you followed your conscience - not the easiest way, but the right way!

1 Timothy 1:5 Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned
Following your conscience is another way of saying hearing the spirit of GOD speaking to you. When this happens you should realize that the thoughts your having are not your own but the SPIRIT speaking to you. This is what leads one out of whatever deception they are in and will continue to guide you into all truth. John 16:13 This is the Elijah to come that restores the truth of all things, Matthew 17:11 , Malachi 4:5
This is not John the Baptist by Johns own admission, John 1:21 , this is the giving of the same spirit that was the power behind all those who are given the Holy Spirit .
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