General Heaven on Earth / Kingdom on Earth


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Many people have witnessed official death on earth (when the heart stops beating) that to my knowledge and true definition is when a person is classified as being dead. I'm not aware of any other definition but many people with the same type of testimony will attest to being in a heavenly realm/dimension with the same experiences. A true belonging and sense of being home and are told that earth is only a very temporary place. These consistencies need to be addressed and I don't think we can flog them off as misfiring neurotransmitters or just reliving the past etc
No. True death is being brain dead.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Brother, even that is being debated. There are horror stories out there about people being determined to be brain dead that awakened later.
Then they were not brain dead. If the human spirit leaves the body it does not return it goes to YAHWEH. In this condition, without a body, the human spirit does not function, this is verified by scripture. Other religions have people claiming NDE and they see Buddha or Allah . In Islam martyrs receive 72 virgins. If NDE is YAHWEH approved then would they not see YAHWEH . My point is that life is not in the brain but in the spirit. If the brain is truly dead then the spirit is gone. Satan and his demons are capable of imitating living things, interfacing with both animal and human spirits. I believe all NDE are rooted in the person’s personal religious beliefs no matter what religion they are. I do not believe that YAHWEH is behind NDE but rather Satan. The other fellow told me I was in a bible bubble and that he was going with what he sees in the world, does that sound Christian ? See what effect NDE has had on him. If YAHWEHS word, the scriptures, are truth then NDE must be a lie. The only way to be alive after being dead is by a resurrection due to faith in Christ.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Apparently McSquidly has only researched the Christian experience of NDE. Other religions have reported having NDE and the while there are some similarities the differences are significant. Each nonChristian report was uniquely associated with their idea of GOD, their idea of a prophet or representative of their God, the people in their version of heaven are only those of their own religion. If the true GOD was behind NDE would not all people regardless of their religion see the true GOD, Christ and those associated with them rather than pagan visions. This causes me to conclude that NDE is not from YAHWEH but another source.
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