With Faith Gone with the Grid | Finding a Self-Reliant Lifestyle | Vern Houle & Shawna Houle

SC Facilitator

Staff member
Nov 29, 2022
Gone with the Grid | Finding a Self-Reliant Lifestyle


Am I REALLY in a cult?
Am I REALLY in a cult?
Do you find yourself opposing critical thinking? Penalizing or isolating people for leaving your group? Focusing on ‘special’ doctrines outside of scripture? Not honoring your family? Having excessive loyalty to your ‘leaders’?

You may be.

Don’t worry – there’s help!
Check this link out if you need somebody to talk to: https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org/

It’s NOT WRONG to ask questions, EVER, as the ‘Truth’ can withstand them. Anytime. Anywhere.

If you are Canadian and would like the government to stop funding religions that practice discrimination, please sign our petition.

The link will take you to Change.org where you can sign. We need 500 signatures to reach our next milestone…thank you ALL for your support!

Change.org Petition Here

My New Book Has Been Published!
Now available in both paperback and ebook formats on Amazon

Buy My New Book Here (link will take you to Amazon)


We lost our grounding to the earth with the invention of the rubber sole. No longer were we able to get rid of excess voltage as we walked or ran outside. Add in all of the electronics that are around us daily, and it’s no wonder that we feel ‘charged-up’ at times!

The next time you get the chance, take your shoes and socks off and let your feet touch the ground…grass, sand, dirt, or water…they all work to discharge excess voltage in your body to the earth.

Don’t believe me? Try it with a voltmeter yourself. Check your voltage before you are in direct contact with the ground (water, sand, dirt or grass). Then make contact and watch your voltage drop as you ground!

Some people have reported health benefits including reduced inflammation in joints, less body aches and pain, and better sleep. Plus there’s the benefit of being outside in the fresh air…that’s always good for the soul!

If you’d like to check out some studies on this try this link: https://www.healthline.com/health/grounding
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