Finding the Deity of Christ in the OT is not a NT Exercise

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
Finding the Deity of Christ in the OT is not a NT Exercise
Originally presented at First Annual UCA conference October 2021.

Part 1 of 3

Scriptures Referenced:

Passages often quoted for finding deity of Christ
  • Genesis 1:26
  • Genesis 18
  • Genesis 19
  • Ps 110
  • Is 7.14
  • Is 9.6
  • Jer 23:6
  • Micah 5.2
  • Zech 12.10
  • Zec 12:10
In a more nuanced fashion - i.e.. plurality
  • Genesis 1:5
  • Genesis 2:24
What did Jesus say on the first day after his resurrection:
  • Luke 24
    • he spoke of all things about himself
    • all mentioned 3 times
    • this would have been the place to expound any pre-existence - he did not
  • Later that evening Luke 24:44-47
    • he opened their minds to understand the scriptures
    • he mentioned nothing about a pre-existence
Parting thoughts...
Jesus did not appeal to OT in order to appeal to his deity - what are religious leaders today? Do they know more than Jesus?
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I'm looking forward to this. I'm often dumbfounded by my brother now that he's trini and eastern ortho. He will quote a verse "supporting" the trinity and I don't see how he draws that conclusion.

Same thing happened recently at a Bible class at a church I went to. The pastor openly said that at times the Bible will make it seem like Jesus was just a man, but we have to remind ourselves he's God too. I just can't anymore with people.