Monthly EXODUS Support & Fellowship
This meeting is facilitated by yours truly (Lori Jane) and other approved moderators and was set up as a way for those that have exited or are in process of exiting a high control religion like Jehovahs Witnesses. This is mostly a talking group versus a Bible study. Per the House Rules, this group is devoted to supporting of new ones and discussion related to our exit from our high control religion. This is NOT for theological discussion - it is a support group. This will allow new ones and all of us to get the support they need.
While many participating in these groups are people of faith we are not conducting a Bible study, nor proselytizing our new beliefs or findings onto others.
And please do not criticize others in any way if they see or believe things differently, but show respect in this matter.
We all are on our own personal christian journey now we are 'out'.
If you like you can show or talk about books or other that are related only to our exiting, spiritual abuse, religious trauma etc.
Let's just be kind and supporting. Just love and respect!
We started this group during the lock down from the pandemic and choose Saturday but now that life is starting to return a bit to normal we have opted to do a once per month meeting on the First Friday of each month from 4-5:30 PM EST (New York Time) and a once per month meeting on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 1 PM EST (New York Time).
We also have a "Buddy" program in place and we encourage new ones or those wanting some one on one help to buddy up with one of our volunteers - similar to an AA sponsor / sponsee program. For details see this page
If you want to chat in between meetings or simply prefer one-on-one connection please reach out to [email protected] or PM via this site and we will reach out and connect you with a buddy.
========== Zoom Meeting Info =============
Topic: Exodus Support Group
Time: 1:00 PM EST (New York Time) [Convert to your Timezone] times may vary.
First Friday of Every Month
Zoom Meeting Info
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Hope to see you there!
With warm simply christian love, Lori Jane and Diana S
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