Deception, false doctrine and lies all have one thing in common, the force behind them all is Satan. One of the chief methods of operation by Satan is to recruit from humanity men and women who he has deceived to get a following after themselves, a church, and they then preach the deception, false doctrine and lies and since there is a mindset in people to accept the unscriptural organization of todays churches, that have one person in charge who does all the speaking and is thought to be some great person of God , the people soak it up without putting forth any effort to prove what was said. This trust that is placed in the deceivers is standard practice in all the churches . In the true Pentecost church the brethren all participated according to the guidelines set by the Apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians 14:26-40 . Church is not a one man or woman show. Elders and pastors were there to keep order as Paul commanded from the Lord. Church is not just warming a seat in silence, dropping money in the plate and singing songs. If those who want to restore the church to its first century roots then these things must be included. If there is no challenge to what is said by a deceiver then the deception will be successful. The testimony of one witness is worthless, Deuteronomy 17:6 In a multitude of counselors there is safety, Proverbs 11:14 Pastors need to abdicate their role as sole speaker, leader and teacher and acknowledge that the entire church has the Holy Spirit and only the Holy Spirit is the teacher and Jesus Christ the leader then serve only in the capacity that Paul said. You will find nowhere in scripture the modern day church service.