General Christian Monotarians | What We Believe

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA

Christian Monotarian

Statement of Beliefs


    1. The Bible, consisting of the Hebrew Scriptures (Luke 24:44) and the Greek New Testament Scriptures, is the inspired and authoritative revelation of God (2 Timothy 3:16).


    1. There is one God, the Father (Malachi 2:10; 1 Corinthians 8:4,6),

    2. the one God of the creed of Israel affirmed by Jesus Christ (Deut. 6:4; Mark 12:28ff).

    3. The Father is "the only true God" (John 17:3; 1 Tim. 2:5).


    1. There is one lord Messiah, Jesus (John 14:28; 1 Corinthians 8:6), who was supernaturally conceived as the Son of God (Luke 1:35),

    2. and foreordained from the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:20; Rev. 13:8 CJB).


    1. The Holy Spirit is the personal, operational presence and power of God.(Psalms 51:11)

    2. God’s holy spirit is extended through the risen Christ to believers.


    1. In recognizing Jesus mission statement of preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God (Luke 4:43, Matthew 13:19; Luke 8:12; John 6:63)
    2. That the Kingdom of God will be established on a renewed earth. (Rev. 5.10)

    1. In baptism by immersion upon reception of the Gospel of the Kingdom and the things concerning Jesus (Acts 8:12; Luke 24:27).


    1. In the atoning, substitutionary death of Jesus, his resurrection on the third day, and his ascension to the right hand of the Father (Psalms 110:1; Acts 2:34-36), where he is waiting until his enemies are subdued (Hebrews 10:13).


    1. In the future visible return of Jesus Christ to raise to life the faithful dead (1 Corinthians 15:23),

    2. establish the millennial Kingdom on earth (Revelation 20:1-6, etc.)

    3. and bring about the restoration of the earth promised by the prophets (Acts 1:6; 3:21; 26:6, 7).


    1. When you die you are “asleep in death” awaiting a resurrection. (Psalms 13:3; Dan 12:2;1 Corinthians 15:51ff; 1 Thessalonians 4:15

    1. In the future resurrection of the saved of all the ages to administer the renewed earth with the Messiah in the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:2; 1 Corinthians 15:23, 51-56; 2 Timothy 2:12; Revelation 2:26; 3:21; 5:10).


    1. In the freedom "under grace" and not "under law," inaugurated by Jesus. ( Hebrews 8:6; Hebrews 9:15; Hebrews 12:24),

    2. in contrast to and replacing the Mosaic covenant enacted at Sinai (Galatians 3 and 4; 2 Corinthians 3).

    3. Issues of physical circumcision and "the whole law" (Galatians 5:3) associated with circumcision, including calendar and food laws, are concerns of the old and not the new covenant (Col. 2:16-17).


    1. In the existence of supernatural, cosmic evil headed by (the) Satan (Matthew 12:26) or Devil,

    2. as distinct from and in addition to human enemies and the natural evil of the human heart.

    3. Satan is the name of a wicked spirit personality, "the god of this age" (2 Corinthians 4:4; cp. Ephesians 6:12).

    4. And in the existence of demons (daimonia) as non-human personalities whom Jesus addressed and they him (Luke 4:41; James 2:19).

This might seem silly or redundant, but I wonder if it would be appropriate to address the importance of prayer. One of the things that has really stood out to me as I have studied the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus' prayer before he died, and Acts is the importance of prayer. Just a thought. But prayer and petitioning our Father has really stood out to me lately as very foundational to belief and being a Christian.
We have brothers who don't understand satan or devil in terms of an angel yet they are Christian monotheist. And we have fellow Christian monotheist brothers who do not insist upon baptism or think it is now spirit baptism or ones who don't believe in a literal return of Jesus. So, I question whether adding in the section on Devil & water baptism & a physical return of Jesus. It would seem to add to the elementary explanation of absolute Christian monotheism.
[I don't know of any Christian monotheists who believe in an eternal torment in a Hell.]
I'm new here though. Is 'Christian Monotheism' becoming a particular branch (denomination) distinct from or within biblical unitarianisn?
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We have brothers who don't understand satan or devil in terms of an angel yet they are Christian monotheist. And we have fellow Christian monotheist brothers who do not insist upon baptism or think it is now spirit baptism or ones who don't believe in a literal return of Jesus. So, I question whether adding in the section on Devil & water baptism & a physical return of Jesus. It would seem to add to the elementary explanation of absolute Christian monotheism.
I'm new here though. Is 'Christian Monotheism' becoming a particular branch (denomination) distinct from or within biblical unitarianisn?
HI Jewel, yes, in the Christian Monotarian/Biblical Unitarian "group" there are different beliefs as you mentioned, and others. That is why each website, fellowship, or church makes their statement of faith available for people to know what they believe, preach, and practice. Whatever the place, if it is posted in a statement of faith it is important to the people/group that posted it and a major point of belief for them. Hope that helps.
And regarding using the term "Christian Monotarian" vs. "Biblical Unitarain" is just a matter of choice. Since I personally don't agree with some of the beliefs posited at the website like water baptism no necessary and speaking in tongues required I wanted to use a different name to distinguish my beliefs from that so I adopted Christian Monotarian and am using this page to work out the key or high level beliefs. This is what we have so far.
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HI Jewel, yes, in the Christian Monotarian/Biblical Unitarian "group" there are different beliefs as you mentioned, and others. That is why each website, fellowship, or church makes their statement of faith available for people to know what they believe, preach, and practice. Whatever the place, if it is posted in a statement of faith it is important to the people/group that posted it and a major point of belief for them. Hope that helps.

Ah, I see (I think). It is Lori Jane's statement of beliefs (& reflects your own). I don't think it's clear though in calling it

Christian Monotarians | What *WE* Believe​

That list doesn't speak for me nor for very many others. But, okay. Thankyou.
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And regarding using the term "Christian Monotarian" vs. "Biblical Unitarain" is just a matter of choice. Since I personally don't agree with some of the beliefs posited at the website like water baptism no necessary and speaking in tongues required I wanted to use a different name to distinguish my beliefs from that so I adopted Christian Monotarian and am using this page to work out the key or high level beliefs. This is what we have so far.
I hadn't noticed that they get into their own specific beliefs on there; on But despite the difference in wider beliefs they are still Christian monotarian [I should have said monotarian in my previous replies. My mistake].
Do you mean to exclude ones who think differently on any of those points from being considered by you as your brothers in Christ? Do you think holding to an understanding contrary to any of those points means that that person is not a 'true' Christian?
But if the statement above is your own beliefs list, I accept that. Thankyou.

Hmmmm. I wondering if the point is to say this creed is that of the true church & you are only part of the true church, only a Christian, if you hold to all of these?
[Sorry. Understanding myself as a Christian monotarian, yet not holding rigidly to every point, this has confused me rather.]
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Do you think holding to an understanding contrary to any of those points means that that person is not a 'true' Christian?
For me personally I chose to not engage in that kind of thinking / judging and leave it up to Christ. I prefer to focus on the behaviour and actions - are they christlike. If anyone has incorrect understanding of doctrine etc. I think Jesus will take all into consideration.
Do you mean to exclude ones who think differently on any of those points from being considered by you as your brothers in Christ?

Never do I want to exclude ANYONE!

But I want to be honest about where I stand and where our Christian Monotarian bible study group stands. So there are no surprises when we may share something that is out of the norm for mainstream beliefs i.e.. that Jesus didn't literally preexist. But we don't expect everyone to agree with us on everything - it is our hope but not a requirement.

All groups have a group set of beliefs - whether it is stated or not. I think it is better to make them available up front.
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For me personally I chose to not engage in that kind of thinking / judging and leave it up to Christ. I prefer to focus on the behaviour and actions - are they christlike. If anyone has incorrect understanding of doctrine etc. I think Jesus will take all into consideration.

Never do I want to exclude ANYONE!

But I want to be honest about where I stand and where our Christian Monotarian bible study group stands. So there are no surprises when we may share something that is out of the norm for mainstream beliefs i.e.. that Jesus didn't literally preexist. But we don't expect everyone to agree with us on everything - it is our hope but not a requirement.

All groups have a group set of beliefs - whether it is stated or not. I think it is better to make them available up front.
I hear you. And I understand & am familiar with groups stating their beliefs under 'What We Believe'. I just didn't realise that SimplyChristian was so specific. Or that for you CHristian monotarian was more of a denomination than an understanding. "Christian Monotarian Statement of Beliefs" appears to speak for all Christian monotarians when it does not. It would be less confusing & more accurate wouldn't it to say "Restoration Fellowship's Christian Monotarian Statement of Beliefs"? As it is it seems presumptious or divisive toward CM's that understand some matters differently. No? [Sorry about this, Lori Jane.]
I just didn't realise that SimplyChristian was so specific
Simply Christian website is not specific other than believing in and following Christ per the statement at bottom of page.

The Christian Monotarian Interest Group does have specific beliefs and hence why are posts here coordinate with the statement of beliefs.

I offer if any other group wants to have a special interest section I would set it up for them if they are going to be active in maintaining it. Since I am a CM of course I am pretty active in maintaining it <g>.
Also, Biblical Monotarian/Unitarian is not a denomination, but a movement, as many say, therefore each ministry, church, or person shares what they believe so those looking for fellowship know where things stand with those people. The what "WE" believe in any statement of faith is stating that particular person or groups beliefs.
"Christian Monotarian Statement of Beliefs" appears to speak for all Christian monotarians when it does not.
I could say the same thing for the website and as a matter of fact that is why I have adopted Christain Monotarian as my identification and yes setting up a statement of beliefs accordingly.

I personally don't want to share my beliefs as "Biblical Unitarian" and have someone search on that and find a site that says water baptism is not necessary or the speaking in tongues is. I want them to find a site that represents what I believe and hence why me and the group I study with have agreed on this statement of beliefs so far.
Simply Christian website is not specific other than believing in and following Christ per the statement at bottom of page.

The Christian Monotarian Interest Group does have specific beliefs and hence why are posts here coordinate with the statement of beliefs.

I offer if any other group wants to have a special interest section I would set it up for them if they are going to be active in maintaining it. Since I am a CM of course I am pretty active in maintaining it <g>.
Oh! I finally get it. This particular forum page is a specific Christian monotarian group on SimplyChristian that isn't for Christian monotarians in general. I get it now. The statement is for your version of the CM faith & knowingly not of CMs in general.
Without having asked, such an absolute heading naturally does appear to be speaking for Christian monotarians in general. Hence my resistance. It doesn't speak for me or very many other CMs I know.
I thought Christian monotarianism (Biblical unitarianism, Bibilcal monotheism, Christian non-trinitarian,... Are there more ways of putting it??) was in contrast to Christian trinitarianism on the point alone of who & what God is. I didn't know CM could be pulled outward to include other interpretations of scripture.
So, in essence this forum is for your above, as listed, creed of CM, as it were & those on the same page as you. Okay. The Restoration Fellowship I think.
Thankyou very much for taking the time to clear that up for me. Sorry to have been a dunce; exasperating🙃 I'm new here >waving<
Thankyou very much for taking the time to clear that up for me.
No you bring to light some things I need to think about.

Perhaps I should change the name to "Simply Christian Monotarian" 💡😃

But to be honest no other group is using the phrase "Christian Monotarian". I only know of two individuals that mentioned it briefly in an article. We are the first "group" to actively use it and I hope it catches on!

I'd be interested to know which things in the statement you don't agree with - privately if you prefer 😉

And yes it was initially borrowed and tweaked from Restoration Fellowship / Focus on the Kingdom but we've added headings and scriptures and removed a few things to keep it more broad etc.
No you bring to light some things I need to think about.

Perhaps I should change the name to "Simply Christian Monotarian" 💡😃

But to be honest no other group is using the phrase "Christian Monotarian". I only know of two individuals that mentioned it briefly in an article. We are the first "group" to actively use it and I hope it catches on!

I'd be interested to know which things in the statement you don't agree with - privately if you prefer 😉

And yes it was initially borrowed and tweaked from Restoration Fellowship / Focus on the Kingdom but we've added headings and scriptures and removed a few things to keep it more broad etc.
I think changing it enough to clarify that you are being specific would be helpful, yes. I don't think saying Christian monotarian implies anything different to Biblical unitarian or Christian monotheist or Biblical monotheist,... (are there more?). Captialising the 'monotarian' might imply to some a particular brand of Christian monotarianism though. So keep that if it's what you're aiming for (although do state it too).
Tell me, is the Restoration Fellowship slowly becoming its own religion now? I heard someone refer to someone else as a Buzzardite recently (as opposed to 'a Watchtower devotee').
I'm happy to share what points I disagree on but I wouldn't welcome a bash or convert Jewel fest :oops: So maybe privately.
is the Restoration Fellowship slowly becoming its own religion
No they are not but they are sure of their beliefs and stick to them.

My group or I should say Ray's group is not directly associated with them although we hold a majority of the same beliefs.

I associate with RF on their Sunday live stream and on a Wednesday meeting with some UK friends.

And also Tracy's women's meetings. So all different groups with much in common.
I think changing it enough to clarify that you are being specific would be helpful, yes. I don't think saying Christian monotarian implies anything different to Biblical unitarian or Christian monotheist or Biblical monotheist,... (are there more?). Captialising the 'monotarian' might imply to some a particular brand of Christian monotarianism though. So keep that if it's what you're aiming for (although do state it too).
Tell me, is the Restoration Fellowship slowly becoming its own religion now? I heard someone refer to someone else as a Buzzardite recently (as opposed to 'a Watchtower devotee').
I'm happy to share what points I disagree on but I wouldn't welcome a bash or convert Jewel fest :oops: So maybe privately.
As I said, context is key, just like Bible verses. A statement of faith, no matter the title of the church or ministry, reflects what the webpage, ministry or church believes and teaches. Just like a Baptist church may differ, if I read a statement of beliefs from Baptist church "A" I would understand that is what that particular church believes and practices, bot that all Baptist churches do.

Restoration Fellowship is not becoming their own religion. That is silly. You could say that about any church or ministry that holds to their beliefs. Like Laureen said, they are sure of their beliefs and they stick to them, as should anyone who claims to hold beliefs, or they really are not beliefs.

Yes, some people are rude and demeaning in their labeling and name calling, and usually it is done in ignorance.
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