Other Biblical Tropes in Science Fiction and Pop Culture


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Feb 14, 2023
I’m a bit tired, but this topic bears repeating and is worth the exploration. Here’s a link to a YouTube video that illustrates that no matter your worldview, the existence of technology and science and sci-fi and related tropes is unavoidable, and in fact strikes a chord in all worldviews, bringing religious themes back to the forefront for all to see.

I’ll add some more later. Feel free to add whatever else you may catch.
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We know a human is a soul. The soul is the union of the dust of the ground and the breath of life. The dust is the body, the breath of life is the human spirit. Job 32:8 The spirit is what animates the body. James 2:26 As long as the union of the soul holds there is a living creature but if the union is broken this is death. The experience of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:16 , gives insight into what really makes us human. For 7 years the internal nature of Nebuchadnezzar was changed from man to beast. The word “heart” here is a synonym for spirit. The body was not changed, the spirit was. The brain was not changed. The human spirit was removed and replaced with the spirit of a lower animal. He was yet a soul but a soul of a lower level. From this I deduce that it is the human spirit that makes us human and that bodies and spirits are interchangeable; remember Balaams donkey. Therefore it is the spirit that gives humans their intelligence and true identity as well as life. It shows that the body is only a container for a spirit.
I’m a bit tired, but this topic bears repeating and is worth the exploration. Here’s a link to a YouTube video that illustrates that no matter your worldview, the existence of technology and science and sci-fi and related tropes is unavoidable, and in fact strikes a chord in all worldviews, bringing religious themes back to the forefront for all to see.

I’ll add some more later. Feel free to add whatever else you may catch.

Unless science can create spirit they will never be able to create life and science today does not acknowledge spirit but looks to matter as the source of life.
I don’t think any primal creation happens in the scenarios where man is involved. Remember, when a parent creature makes an offspring, his act of reproduction only imparts both body and spirit from himself. In this case it is only transmission, as opposed to creation from nothing, or even raw materials, since its origins lie beyond himself. By the end of the day, it’s still God’s spirit, and God’s matter/material that we are working with, even in the material sciences. We don’t provide any of our own - God already did. Now if God were to completely withdraw His Spirit from creation, all Life and even non-Life will cease to exist in any capacity.
But since God’s spirit and matter permeate and suffuse the cosmos, it may be possible to replicate life in a synthetic/robotic manner, if we can tease out enough of the causal mechanisms. At this point it is only speculation that we can create synthetic life, but at the end of the day, if we manage to succeed at creating Artificial Intelligence or artificial life, we will still borrow from God’s supply - we neither created it, nor provided it. From Scripture, God hasn’t precluded his breath from the cosmos on principle, allowing his rain on the just and unjust, hence, simpler organisms can still thrive on inorganic matter, and could harvest inhospitable energies, and in turn everyone else still benefits. However, per prophecy, there is no definitive role for these objects this side of God’s Kingdom. To be fair, the power of computation is now replicated in purpose-built machines, what’s preventing us from tapping into other functions, other than our ignorance of the workings of matter and spirit? As far as human death is concerned, it is often described as giving up the ghost, evoking the body’s failure to hold on to spirit, because of mostly material causes. But the purity and authority of Jesus seems to put this order backwards - his sheer power and purity allows him to pour Spirit, that it mends the body and allows it to hold on, particularly in the ones he healed, and in some he revived.
Now it is often said by materialists that complexity arises from simplicity, but it is not true. When balls/spheres are bunched tightly, they organize into hexagonal arrangements, but a mathematical analysis shows beyond a doubt that more symmetries are already contained within the spheres - the situation merely collapsed it to this one mode of organization - this is called symmetry breaking.

The balls show up @ 24:30.
Hello Kaironaut, good to hear from you.

My formal education was in electronics/ robotics. What will appear as artificial intelligence is nothing more than a massive machine language program . Science has developed IC chips that are ram , rom and cpu’s with millions of very small transistors and other components . This makes possible programming ability that is tremendous. With this ability they can mimic intelligence. Simply put matter can never be alive or intelligent. It is spirit that is alive and intelligent. Your brain does not think or store memories . The brain is an interface between body and spirit that the spirit uses to control all functions of the body. When you are raised from the dead your brain will not be because it is flesh and you will be composed of 100% spirit that is immortal. Man will never be able to create spirit, only God has that power.

Human death is is more of a matter of the human spirit being unable to keep a body that is badly damaged or perishing from old age alive. This is why it is necessary to, in the resurrection, have our human spirit placed into a 100% spirit body that cannot be damaged or grow old or die. Flesh never becomes immortal or glorified.

Jesus, by his own admission, had no power but rather the Father did the miracles. It was a matter of an omnipotent holy spirit working miracles
in all cases . Today Jesus has access to this power , it is not his, but his Fathers, as all the Omni’s belong only to God.
Now it is often said by materialists that complexity arises from simplicity, but it is not true. When balls/spheres are bunched tightly, they organize into hexagonal arrangements, but a mathematical analysis shows beyond a doubt that more symmetries are already contained within the spheres - the situation merely collapsed it to this one mode of organization - this is called symmetry breaking.

The balls show up @ 24:30.

Order indicates intelligent design. So does existence or nonexistence .
Scripture says that we are created after Gods image and according to His likeness. HOW. God has no physical body or any body at all. God is spirit. What we have in common with God is that we are also a spirit. This is the image and likeness part. The Hebrew word selem or teslem, in Strongs article H6754, it means shadow or phantom , illusion, vain show. It means the image was not exact but far inferior to that of God.
This human spirit is what God offers salvation to, not the flesh. Salvation , is being raised up into glory to become a more exact image of God than the shadow we are now. To partake of the divine nature. We are to become Elohim, god, little “g”. A mighty one but not the almighty one.
What the advocates of the glorified flesh theory ignorantly postulate is nothing more than the immortal soul, a doctrine that most already accept and some few deny. Both Anthony Buzzard and brother Kel deny the idea of an immortal soul but glorified flesh is exactly that.