
Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
I am aware that many here on Simply Christian are former Jehovahs Witnesses.
Have you ever thought of being rebaptized ?

From what I understand the JW doctrine concerning Jesus is that he is the arc angel Michael.
If when you were baptized you truly believed that Jesus is Michael then were you not baptized into an angel and not the son GOD ? Would this be no different than being baptized in the name of a trinity ? Would this be a form of improper angle worship ? An angel did not die for humanity the only begotten son of GOD did. After your baptism did someone lay hands on you and ask GOD to give you HIS Holy Spirit ? I do not mean to offend anyone and only ask these questions because of love and concern.
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Dec 5, 2023
This would be a matter of conscience, would it not? I think Yeshua would provide conviction on something like this, but that is only my thought. Of course, my baptism was under the Trinitarian formula, and I have not received any convictions to do it again. Then again, my true receipt of God's spirit happened years later.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
In all conversions there is a coming out of darkness and into light, out of deception into truth , a change from being a child of Satan to a child of GOD. Acts 26:18 A continual growth process toward perfection at the last day.
I was in a cult 31 years ago because I consciously chose to be. I believed the lies and obeyed the human ministry. I knew nothing about the truth. I was just like any other caught up in a cult. I eventually realized that I was baptized into Moses and not Christ. When enlightenment began it was a calling and at my acceptance of that call I became chosen. Many are called but few are chosen because they choose to stay in the darkness and not come to the light. John 3:19 Jeremiah 9:6
There were only three of us in those days and we were led to see, that as Ephesians 4:4,5,6 reveals , our lives in a cult were a lie and the things we did were not the things listed in Ephesians.
We realized that we were not yet converted. The spirit was working with us but not yet in us. John 14:17 No one has the Holy Spirit that is deceived and in a cult. We understood that we needed to follow the scripture and be baptized and have the laying on of hands. We had no fit man to do the laying on of hands so after coming out of the water we asked GOD to lay HIS hands on us and give us HIS spirit. We were now converted, we were now Christians, babes in Christ.
That was 31 years ago and what we experienced has shown us that all the saints become saints after this or very similar process. There is indeed one body, one spirit, one hope when called, one Lord, one faith, ONE BAPTISM, one GOD and FATHER of all and imitations by cults are not the genuine.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
This would be a matter of conscience, would it not? I think Yeshua would provide conviction on something like this, but that is only my thought. Of course, my baptism was under the Trinitarian formula, and I have not received any convictions to do it again. Then again, my true receipt of God's spirit happened years later.
Acts 10:47,48
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Yes, I saw that Diana S. I was baptized 3 times in my life; once as an infant, second into the WCG and finally into the real one and only baptism. I also went from the trinity to binary and finally the one and only true GOD and FATHER of us all. Prior to the true, when I was in the false, I was not converted. Upon GOD teaching me about HIMSELF , HIS son and the true gospel I realized I needed to be baptized, not rebaptized, because there is only ONE true baptism. This is followed by the laying on of hands. Coming out of deception is not being converted, it is being enlightened to understand that we need converted.
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Jun 23, 2024
I was baptized as a baby in the catholic church and as a young adult in the jw-cult. When I woke up I thought of being rebaptized. (I still believed in Jesus’ pre-existence though, so would that baptism be right?)

When I got baptized I believed in one God, the Father and one mediator, God’s Son, Jesus Christ (1 Tim. 2:5). I primarily wanted to be baptized because I came to believe in God and Jesus, I repented from my sins and turned my life around, I really wanted to do things God’s way and to follow Jesus as my example.

When I woke up everything I learned fell down like a house of cards EXCEPT my believe in God, Christ and the Bible.

Looking back my wish to be rebaptised was more because I wanted to be washed clean from the JW-cult!

I see my baptism now as valid even if it was in false religion, because I can look back at it with feelings toward Christ in stead of the JW religion - feelings that keep on growing while I learn and understand more about the truth about Christ and his Father.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
The Jews in time of Jesus believed in only one GOD and hoped for the appearance of the messiah but failed in recognizing him and murdered him. Many on the day of Pentecost that heard Peter were part of the group that said, crucify him. Acts 2:23 About 3000 were baptized, Acts 2:41 Cornelius even after receiving the Holy Spirit first was still baptized. Acts 2:47,48 There were people that had a good amount of knowledge that were called disciples that Paul met in Ephesus but they never heard of the Holy Spirit. After Paul explained that their baptism by John was only to repentance and to believe in Christ. After this they were baptized in the name of Jesus. Acts 19:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Acts 18:24,25,26,27,28 Apollos was one of the disciples who knew only the baptism of John.
You and most all of the JW’s use the words “woke up” , this was your calling, this was the sudden realization of your deception and the long deprivation of the truth, and according to scripture and several examples given here, the next steps are what Apostle Peter said, Acts 2:38 LoriJane is someone who has been what you and many others are or have been. She understands more so than I about the deception of the JW’s. I value her opinion in these matters and would advise you to communicate with her. This is one of the very reasons why LoriJane created this forum.
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Jun 23, 2024
I understand her reasons, but as she says in the video: it’s a personal decision.

My conscience tells me that my baptism is valid. God used the jw’s to draw me to Him and to His Son. As a result of that I was baptized, accepting Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God, my Mediator and Savior. After that I gained more knowledge and I adjusted my belief and life accordingly. The jw’s do not have any authority over me any more. I am in Christ.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
I understand her reasons, but as she says in the video: it’s a personal decision.

My conscience tells me that my baptism is valid. God used the jw’s to draw me to Him and to His Son. As a result of that I was baptized, accepting Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God, my Mediator and Savior. After that I gained more knowledge and I adjusted my belief and life accordingly. The jw’s do not have any authority over me any more. I am in Christ.
Very true. It is a personal decision.
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Jun 23, 2024
For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
1 Cor. 3:11-15

Many walk away with nothing!
I didn’t loose everything, although It felt that way in the beginning.
I had the right foundation!
The most important things survived: my faith, my love and my hope.
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