Book 70 Times 7: Daniel's Mysterious Countdown...

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
Book Listing on Amazon:
70 Times 7: Daniel's Mysterious Countdown and the Church's Heroic Future: Walters, Nelson: 9780692070925: Books

Amazon writeup:
70 Times 7 is one of the most revolutionary books on eschatology in the last 20 years. Daniel's "70 Weeks Prophecy" is the foundation of most Christian end time understanding. But what if Christian culture's assumptions are mistaken and the "Prince who is to Come" ISN'T the Antichrist, the "Covenant with the Many" ISN'T a peace treaty, and a 360-day "prophetic year" ISN'T biblical. Instead what if the prophecy foretells a glorious and heroic future of the Church prior to the return of Jesus that no one is expecting!! Amazingly well researched and full of solid biblical exegesis, 70 Times 7 uncovers much of the mystery in the 70 Weeks Prophecy. Learn how the Dead Sea Scrolls provide us with a clear understanding of what first century Jews thought about the prophecy, that the historic dates of Jubilee years and Shmitah years are knowable and explain the prophecy, that the prophecy foretells the timing of the Rapture (pretrib, post-trib. or prewrath) and the ethnic identity of the Antichrist (and it ISN'T Roman). Finally, learn that Anderson's countdown to the First coming was mistaken and there is a different, "precise" solution to the countdown. Read Nelson Walter's landmark book, 70 Times 7, and find out the shocking answers to these and other eschatological mysteries.

About the Author:


Dr. Nelson Walters is Director of The Gospel in the End Times Ministries, dedicated to assisting the Church live out its Christ-ordained call in the end times. Nelson is the author of Are We Ready For Jesus, Revelation Deciphered, Rapture: Case Closed? and the revolutionary 70 Times 7. He also encourages and exhorts millions on the blog, which was selected as a Top 25 end time Blog.

Goodreads Listing:
70 Times 7: Daniel's Mysterious Countdown and the Church's Heroic Future by Nelson Walters | Goodreads

My notes and highlights on Goodreads:
Lori Jane’s Kindle Notes & Highlights for 70 Times 7: Daniel's Mysterious Countdown and the Church's Heroic Future | Goodreads

The last time I looked closely at the book of Daniel was when we covered it in a Jehovah's Witness book study. Boy are there a lot of errors in their version!

This book really got me thinking and I understand how the Jewish calendar with sevens works so much better now. This author really makes sense to me.

I am a futurist I guess if we're labeling ourselves. I believe at the "end of the age" things are going to happen according to prophecy (Daniel, Matthew, Revelation etc.). This book discusses the Daniel Prophecy of 70 weeks. I enjoyed the chapters on the 70th week the most and on the timing of the rapture.

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