Devotional 2.6 | Space for Grace | PHILIP – the Unimpressive


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Bible Challenge
Oct 5, 2020
February 6th

PHILIP – the Unimpressive

There he found Philip and said to him, “Come and follow me.” Then Philip went to look for his friend, Nathanael, and told him, “We’ve found him! We’ve found the One we’ve been waiting for! It’s Jesus, son of Joseph from Nazareth, the Anointed One!”

John 1:43-45, The Passion Translation

February 6th      PEOPLE JESUS MET image.jpg

Profile: Philip was not a prominent apostle. All the information we have about him is from four short passages in John.

John 1:43-44. Unlike Andrew who was brought by John, or Peter who was invited by his brother, Philip was directly called by Jesus. Philip having a good knowledge of Scripture quickly recognised Jesus as the one previously written about.

John 6:4-7. If anyone knew where to get food locally to feed over 5,000 it would have been Philip because he was from Bethsaida about 9 miles away. Jesus in asking for a human solution - “Where can we buy food for this crowd?” - was highlighting that a miracle was needed.

John 12:20-23. Certain Greeks wished to meet Jesus and so approached the one who most likely could help – Philip. Philip bore a Greek name and may have spoken Greek.

John 14:7-11 At the last supper Philip says "Lord, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us" indicating he was still confused about the identity of Jesus.


  • Jesus found Philip and not Philip found Jesus. We receive God’s calling, not because
of our own effort, ability, or skills. But He can put such abilities to good use.

  • Can you point others to the prophecies in Scripture that identify Jesus as the Messiah?

  • The Lord seeks and will work with all kinds of people and when we are confused, if we ask, Jesus does not leave us in a confused state.


Those overlooked by men, Christ seeks.​



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Active member
Bible Challenge
Oct 22, 2020
I dont think Philip was confused about who Jesus was. He understood him to be God's son. He knew Jesus could explain more about the father or show us more of what he was like.