other high control news

  1. SC Facilitator

    General AstraZeneca JUST admitted the truth about its COVID vaccine | Redacted Youtube Channel w Natali Morris

  2. SC Facilitator

    General Japanese Leader Apologizes to the Unvaccinated: ‘You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones’ | The People’s Voice

    Founded in 2014, The People’s Voice (https://thepeoplesvoice.tv) is an American news publication committed to covering the headlines mainstream outlets shy away from...
  3. SC Facilitator

    General Thrive II: This Is What It Takes | THRIVE Movement Youtube channel

  4. SC Facilitator

    General (Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? | THRIVE Movement Youtube channel

  5. SC Facilitator

    General Rise of the Digital Surveillance State - Senate Speech by Senator Alex Antic

    Via Magi, our sister in France
  6. SC Facilitator

    General The Lack of Scientific Freedom Conference in Copenhagen | Follow The Science Youtube channel | Prof. Dr. Michaéla Schippers, Rico Brouwer journalist

    Is science corrupted? Is it institutionalised? Can we reverse the trend? The lack of scientific freedom was the quintessential title of a conference in Copenhagen Denmark on oct. 24/25 2022 that Follow the Science reported on. A lack of transparency and scientific freedom seems to have...
  7. SC Facilitator

    Video KLATV - Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda – a film by Andrew Wakefield and Robert F. Kennedy

    There is a French introduction of 1:37, but the rest of the video is in English. (Shared by Magi from France) : Who assumes the right to decide one of the most fundamental decisions? Apparently the WHO, headed by Bill Gates, who gave Kenyan women a pregnancy-damaging vaccine. A diabolical...
  8. SC Facilitator

    General Woke culture threatens academic freedom - Laurens Buijs interdisciplinary social scientist and lecturer Amsterdam University - Rico Brouwer Journalist

    Threats, attacks, exclusion and possible dismissal took place when Laurens Buijs, social scientist and lecturer at the University of Amsterdam spoke out about his field and reported on cancel culture at the UvA. Buijs talks to Rico Brouwer of Follow the Science about how diversity policies have...
  9. SC Facilitator

    General Follow the Science | How not to fall for false prophets | With Professor Michaéla Schippers and Journalist Rico Brouwer

    It's Easter 2023 when we publish this story. It appears this time we're all trying to find out who we can still trust and at risk of loosing our faith. But how can you tell the difference between who's genuine and who's a 'False Prophet'? Michaéla shares the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin...