
  1. Lori Jane

    Podcast What on earth is the Kingdom of God?

    What on earth is the Kingdom of God? | Bible Feed What on earth is the Kingdom of God? | Bible Feed Show Notes Paul and Dan kickstart a new season of the Bible Feed podcast by explaining the plans for future episodes. They explain that some episodes will be on specific themes that run through...
  2. Paolo


    THE TWO WINGS OF THE KINGDOM MESSAGE The Kingdom Gospel is like a messenger pigeon with two wings. How So? The left wing message of the Kingdom is one of social justice and global peace (James 1:27; Isaiah 2:1-4). The right wing message might be described as a passion for truthful teaching (2...
  3. Anthony F. Buzzard

    Article Jesus, the Word of the Kingdom and the Royal Road to Immortality

    Jesus, the Word of the Kingdom and the Royal Road to Immortality Source: Focus on the Kingdom February 2002 Amongst many most encouraging letters from radio listeners I received this from a Roman Catholic professor and author: “I think it is relevant for me to say that I am a professor of...
  4. Ray Faircloth

    Article The Kingdom Is Future

    The Kingdom Is Future Although Paul, in Colossians 1:13, says that Christians have been “transferred…to the Kingdom of [God’s] beloved Son” and so are experiencing the Kingdom now, the vast majority of texts show that the full experiencing of the Kingdom is yet future. So, what is meant by...
  5. SCAdmin

    TheoCon The Gospel of the Kingdom of God

    Saturday 5/29/21 3:00 PM (followed by faith stories) The Gospel of the Kingdom of God Synopsis: Instead of other "gospels", "This Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached around the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come." (Mt. 24:14 OGF) In our understanding...
  6. Anthony F. Buzzard

    eBook The Coming Kingdom of the Messiah

    See attached. Table of Contents provided here. Related Article: Article - The Kingdom of God: Present or Future? | Simply Christian The Coming Kingdom of the Messiah A Solution to the Riddle of the New Testament --Sir Anthony F. Buzzard, Bt., MA (Oxon.), MA Th.
  7. Tracy Z

    General Outreach for Jehovah's Witness (web page) Hello friends! Over the years my heart has gone out to Jehovah's Witnesses. I was amazed at their commitment to obey what they believed and to give their lives to serving Jehovah and actively sharing the Kingdom hope, in spite of the negativity and...
  8. SCAdmin

    Article The Kingdom Gospel

    This was submitted anonymously... The Kingdom Gospel What Lord Messiah and his Holy ones stand for now and into the Millennial Kingdom. Introduction Jesus Mission Statement: read Luke 4:16-21 “To preach good news (or the gospel) to the poor, proclaim liberty to the captives, to release...
  9. Anthony F. Buzzard

    Article Have You Heard the Gospel?

    Have You Heard the Gospel? #gospel, #kingdom In 1 Corinthians 15:3 Paul “declares that he received en protois, as one of the fundamental tenets of the Apostolic faith, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.”1 It was not the whole Gospel. Paul highlighted, as does any good...
  10. Anthony F. Buzzard

    Article The Amazing Shift Away from Jesus in the Popular Gospel

    The Amazing Shift Away from Jesus in the Popular Gospel “Jesus came to do three days work”— Billy Graham Protestants have inherited a Gospel from their Protestant heritage. The question is, does this Protestant Gospel do justice to the Bible’s and particularly Jesus’ definition of the Gospel...