General Revelation 13


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Scripture uses a beast to symbolize a nation, it’s people and leader. The sea it rises out of is symbolic of the sea of humanity. The ten horns are ten kings and the seven heads are seven mountains where the harlot city sits. This nation was, is not but yet is; a nation that existed but then ended only to rise up again. It will be populated by people from all over the world, the sea of humanity. The deadly wound on one head or mountain of importance to the harlot city is wounded by the sword, war. This wound is healed and the mountain importance rebuilt. The world will marvel. This beast nation is the work of Satan.

All the above is yet future. Someday this beast nation will become the 8th king and is one of seven that existed before in history. Before this 8th king rises the seventh must fall which will be the most powerful nation at that time. The 8th king is one of the seven. This is a nation that existed long ago. A nation of great wealth and power with a king who ruled over other kings, a king, nation and people known to all the Earth and envied. This nations time of glory was brief but spectacular.

Do you know the harlot and the beast. If you do then you can know it’s mark, it’s number; the man, the nation and king it desires to revive, make an image to, make it live again.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Scripture uses a beast to symbolize a nation, it’s people and leader. The sea it rises out of is symbolic of the sea of humanity. The ten horns are ten kings and the seven heads are seven mountains where the harlot city sits. This nation was, is not but yet is; a nation that existed but then ended only to rise up again. It will be populated by people from all over the world, the sea of humanity. The deadly wound on one head or mountain of importance to the harlot city is wounded by the sword, war. This wound is healed and the mountain importance rebuilt. The world will marvel. This beast nation is the work of Satan.

All the above is yet future. Someday this beast nation will become the 8th king and is one of seven that existed before in history. Before this 8th king rises the seventh must fall which will be the most powerful nation at that time. The 8th king is one of the seven. This is a nation that existed long ago. A nation of great wealth and power with a king who ruled over other kings, a king, nation and people known to all the Earth and envied. This nations time of glory was brief but spectacular.

Do you know the harlot and the beast. If you do then you can know it’s mark, it’s number; the man, the nation and king it desires to revive, make an image to, make it live again.
Lori Jane, from the information given who is the harlot ?


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Would that be Jerusalem?
The seventh king is the U.S. The beast nation is a future Israel. The mountain with the deadly wound that is healed is Mount Moriah where the temple was built but destroyed by Titus in 70 AD. The healing is the third temple. Ezekiel 21:27. Three overturns, three temple destructions and the one whose right it is, is Christ. 1 Kings 4:20-34. Israel, under Solomon, was for a brief time the most powerful and richest nation on Earth and was one of the seven kings that had fallen but is the eighth king that will become the beast nation.