You Are Worth Celebrating (
Wisdom is both a gift from God and a process of learning. I know this passage of Scripture can easily trip us up. But what if we take God at His Word and choose to believe these words hold good and pleasant things for us? What if we challenge ourselves to look at Proverbs 31 closely, seeing what part of it is a gift to us and what verses we need to learn from? What if we speak these words over ourselves and the other women in our lives as a form of celebration instead of condemnation, realizing that our stories don’t disqualify us?
God tucked these words into His Word for all eternity, dear friend. And that tells me they are needed and meant for our good. Let’s ask Him to help us learn from them today.
Father God, I confess at times I look at the Proverbs 31 woman and feel like I will never be enough. But I realize the purpose isn’t to shame me for all I think I’m not. Her example is there to remind me to look to You and live for You in all I do. Help me receive these words from You as a gift. And show me how to live them out according to the unique way You purposefully designed me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.