
Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
You are a spirit in a fleshy body. You are a mortal soul. The breath of life, the human spirit, the heart or mind or the spirit of man all are the same thing. The fleshly brain does not think or store information, your spirit does. At death your body returns to dust but the real you goes back to God in a totally inoperative state called by Jesus, sleep. The reason you are mortal is your body that your spirit keeps alive or animates by its presence. The body without the spirit is dead, but the spirit that goes back to God is not destroyed, it sleeps while awaiting a resurrection. Fear Him who can kill both body and spirit, the entire soul in the lake of fire. In the first resurrection your sleeping spirit is placed in 100% spirit body thus making you immortal, the perishable has put on imperishable, flesh perishes, spirit does not. As a mortal soul your spirit will keep you alive as long as it can keep the union of the soul going, keeping the part that is flesh operating. However all people reach a point where your spirit can no longer keep the body alive and you die. The treasure of our spirit is in an earthen vessel, if this vessel is destroyed God has another already prepared to replace the one He designed mortal. This is called salvation. The kingdom of God is 100% a spiritual kingdom.

I have never seen a spirit, but scripture gives us some information, as Jesus describes spirit is like the wind. You can’t touch the wind or grab hold of it only see it’s effects while not knowing it’s origin or destination. Jesus is the first mortal human being to become an immortal spirit being. Jesus is not glorified flesh, which term is an oxymoron, an attempt to use opposites as the same. Jesus plainly distinguishes flesh from spirit as does Paul but some yet strive with their maker’s revelation on this issue. Isaiah 45:9

True understanding of sin is knowing it’s nativity is our human spirit. We all have a defiled human spirit and are under a double death sentence, one from Adams sin and one for our own sin. We use our members, our body, to act out the sin that is birthed in our spirit.
The law never addressed this as it only dealt with outward actions rather than inner thoughts and intents. As a man thinks so is he.
Our defiled spirit is the work of the devil. Our spirit is what God saves, not our body of flesh. 1 Corinthians 5:5. God saves spirits not flesh.
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