Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." Psalm 20:7 (NIV)
Source: Where the Exhausted Find Strength for the Battle | Beth Knight |
Excerpt:Source: Where the Exhausted Find Strength for the Battle | Beth Knight |
As we made another trip down the hallway toward our infant twins’ bedroom echoing with late-night wails, my husband sarcastically quipped, “If God loves us, wouldn’t He want us to sleep?” With tired smiles, we soothed our sweet babies back to sleep and tiptoed back toward our bed.
Nine years later, I reluctantly roll over in bed to check the time on my phone: 3 a.m. I’m wide awake. Again. I fail to find this season of exhaustion cute or humorous because, unlike the passing newborn phase, this season seems endless.
Like me, do you desire to live faithfully for Christ, but your body is oh so tired?
Sleep feels essential during this time in my life because I am trying to heal from chronic illness. And when the sun comes up, I have children to raise, a husband to love, friendships to nurture and personal sin to battle.
Weary from approaching my daily tasks with heavy eyes and limbs, I burrow deeper beneath my blankets and question God. How am I supposed to do all You’ve called me to do when sleeplessness and chronic fatigue are relentless?
In the quiet of the night, a still, small voice gently reminds me that my confidence is not in how well-rested I am but in how well I am resting in Christ.
I often believe I would be a better reflection of Christ in my roles as a wife, mom and friend if only I had more ________. Being well-rested, having more help or having everything go my way might make me feel better prepared for my daily battles. But the Bible tells me victory is found by calling on the name of the Lord and relying on His strength.
As difficult as it may be, this means being utterly depleted is a gift from God because it’s teaching me total dependence on Christ. I might be exhausted right now as I rely on Him, but nothing would be more exhausting than trying to live for Christ in my own strength.
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