Devotional What does Acts 1:9 mean?

Tuesday 12-31-24 3rd. Day Of The Weekly Cycle, Kislev 29 5785 11th. Winter Day

Love, Walter And Debbie
I shall assume that your don't really have trouble reading this verse, but instead as requesting that someone expound on what this short sentence may imply. A couple things come to mind here:

1. He was in His physical body talking to his people.
2. Yahweh's presence as a cloud mirrors His presence on Mt Sinai, so, in effect: we should see that Yahweh took Him up.
3. Since the watchers could not see Him after He entered the cloud, we might understand that this was the time He was changed to His spiritual body so He could go to wherever Yahweh dwelt (which the human body cannot dwell).
4. Yeshua is with His Father.
This event called the ascension is when Christ was glorified, became a spirit being. 1 Corinthians 15:45 Jesus was not glorified by his resurrection but by his ascension. John 7:39 Jesus had to go away else he could not send us the helper, the Holy Spirit. John 16:7 Sure enough ten days after his ascension the Holy Spirit came.
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I shall assume that your don't really have trouble reading this verse, but instead as requesting that someone expound on what this short sentence may imply. A couple things come to mind here:

1. He was in His physical body talking to his people.
2. Yahweh's presence as a cloud mirrors His presence on Mt Sinai, so, in effect: we should see that Yahweh took Him up.
3. Since the watchers could not see Him after He entered the cloud, we might understand that this was the time He was changed to His spiritual body so He could go to wherever Yahweh dwelt (which the human body cannot dwell).
4. Yeshua is with His Father.
Good morning Outcast, Great, Brother, Interesting, Are you saying He was Glorified? And The Spirit Of GOD Had Taken Him Up? Changed From Mortality To Immortality? Matthew 1:21
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When the cloud blocked their ability to see him at some point after that Jesus was glorified. Some teach Jesus was glorified when raised from the dead. If this was true the how can we explain the comment of John in 1 John 3:2 Here John says we do not know what we shall be. John saw the risen Christ, so why would he say this if Christ was glorified at his resurrection ? Besides all this, the Holy Spirit could not be given until Jesus was glorified and he had to GO AWAY or ascend and be glorified to send the spirit. Scripture proves this.
When the cloud blocked their ability to see him at some point after that Jesus was glorified. Some teach Jesus was glorified when raised from the dead. If this was true the how can we explain the comment of John in 1 John 3:2 Here John says we do not know what we shall be. John saw the risen Christ, so why would he say this if Christ was glorified at his resurrection ? Besides all this, the Holy Spirit could not be given until Jesus was glorified and he had to GO AWAY or ascend and be glorified to send the spirit. Scripture proves this.
Hello Brother Lee, Remember all the scriptures as long as they are rightly divided. In this case, as I stated, plus 2 Corinthians 5:19. Of course, this is my understanding.

Love, Walter
Hello Brother Lee, Remember all the scriptures as long as they are rightly divided. In this case, as I stated, plus 2 Corinthians 5:19. Of course, this is my understanding.

Love, Walter
Are you saying that I am incorrect in what I wrote ? While I agree with 2 Corinthians 5:19 I fail to see the connection you are making with Jesus being glorified when he ascended.
Good morning Outcast, Great, Brother, Interesting, Are you saying He was Glorified? And The Spirit Of GOD Had Taken Him Up? Changed From Mortality To Immortality? Matthew 1:21
Hello again, there may be some confusion with the word "glorified." That word is similar to "exalt" or "to honor." It is not the same - in my understanding - as becoming a spirit being able to dwell with His Father for everlasting time. Of course, the word "transfigured" is sometimes understood as being converted to the spiritual state. What I am saying that Yeshua could be "glorified" in the flesh but not transfigured yet.

The change required for Yeshua to be dwelling with Yahweh would required that He be no longer in the flesh. As he was lifted up in the cloud, that may be when the change happened. It at least had to happen before we went to dwell with Yahweh. At that point, He became immortal. It is similar to the Angels which are dwelling with Yahweh. When they come to Earth serve Yahweh and interact with fleshly humans, they have fleshly bodies.
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1 Corinthians 15:40,41,42,43,44,45 Christ was exalted and honored by leaving the material realm and entering the spiritual realm. Luke 24:26
Hebrews 2:9,10 John 12:23 Romans 8:17 Glorification in many verses of scripture means to be changed from flesh to spirit. Jesus entered glory and we will follow him. Glory has to do with brightness, not like the physical sun, but like the glory of YAHWEH that gave light in Genesis 1:3
Lucifer was an angel of light, had brightness and became vain and twisted because of his brightness, his glory. The degree of this glory determines the position each of the elect has in the kingdom. Jesus is under YAHWEH as YAHWEH is glory in the highest, then all the saints will be given “offices” in the kingdom by YAHWEH under Jesus, those who have the most talents , have effectively used the Holy Spirit to grow spiritually receive more cities or perhaps countries. As one star differs in glory from another so is the resurrection of the dead. The subject of glory is a more deeper subject than NDE .
Hello again, there may be some confusion with the word "glorified." That word is similar to "exalt" or "to honor." It is not the same - in my understanding - as becoming a spirit being able to dwell with His Father for everlasting time. Of course, the word "transfigured" is sometimes understood as being converted to the spiritual state. What I am saying that Yeshua could be "glorified" in the flesh but not transfigured yet.

The change required for Yeshua to be dwelling with Yahweh would required that He be no longer in the flesh. As he was lifted up in the cloud, that may be when the change happened. It at least had to happen before we went to dwell with Yahweh. At that point, He became immortal. It is similar to the Angels which are dwelling with Yahweh. When they come to Earth serve Yahweh and interact with fleshly humans, they have fleshly bodies.
The angels that take on flesh do this by YAHWES power . No angel has this ability. The fallen angels only appear as ghostly images and cannot assume solid form. YAHWEH has the highest glory, then the glory of Christ, then the holy angels according to rank, then man. This will change in the kingdom when man is raised to a higher glory by becoming a spirit being with a glory higher than the angels but lower than Christ. This is why Lucifer rebelled.
1 Corinthians 15:40,41,42,43,44,45 Christ was exalted and honored by leaving the material realm and entering the spiritual realm. Luke 24:26
Hebrews 2:9,10 John 12:23 Romans 8:17 Glorification in many verses of scripture means to be changed from flesh to spirit. Jesus entered glory and we will follow him. Glory has to do with brightness, not like the physical sun, but like the glory of YAHWEH that gave light in Genesis 1:3
Lucifer was an angel of light, had brightness and became vain and twisted because of his brightness, his glory. The degree of this glory determines the position each of the elect has in the kingdom. Jesus is under YAHWEH as YAHWEH is glory in the highest, then all the saints will be given “offices” in the kingdom by YAHWEH under Jesus, those who have the most talents , have effectively used the Holy Spirit to grow spiritually receive more cities or perhaps countries. As one star differs in glory from another so is the resurrection of the dead. The subject of glory is a more deeper subject than NDE .
And because we have bible translations that use "splendor" instead of glory, the subject is murky. Then again, since scripture speaks of the difference between earthly glory and heavenly glory, we need to be specific, I suppose. I personally am not confused by the two, but sometimes I have to make clear which type someone is asking about.

When scripture speaks of "transfigured" and the glowing appearances, would you think that these people were showing up in the heavenly glorified state? I personally have questions regarding that.
The transfiguration was a vision, it was not real. Matthew 17:1-9 Elijah and Moses are not alive in heaven they are dead and Jesus at this time was not yet glorified. It was given to Peter, James and John for reasons Jesus did not specify. This vision showed Christ in his glory and Peter was a witness. 2 Peter 1:16,17,18
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I find myself wondering why I have read these passages before, but didn't see the message other than it was an interesting event. So, I needed to look closer.

I looked at this event in the Gospel of Luke as well. (Lk 9:28–36) It is true that Yeshua did not state the reason for this event, but I do see a message in this that is of real importance. First of all, according to the view of the three disciples, it was so real that they did not realize that it was only a vision - evidenced by offering to build tents for the three of them.

The significance of the other two - Moses, who could represent the Law, and Elijah, who could represent the Prophets - would be of major importance to a message from God. They were speaking together about the coming event Yeshua was going to accomplish at Jerusalem. I take it as Yeshua was going to "fulfill the Law and the Prophets."

And, once again, the cloud comes - and then Yahweh told them in no uncertain terms who Yeshua was.

I think that Peter, James, and John should have understood that message.

A light came on.
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Very good Outcast. You have added to my understanding concerning this event. I some how missed this and have only seen it now. Jesus did say, tell the vision to no man until the son of man be raised from the dead. Matthew 17:9 The death and resurrection sealed the work of Christ and then 40 days later he ascended up to glory. 1 Timothy 3:16 Daniel 7:14 Luke 21:27 “great glory” Hebrews 3:3 “greater glory”