1 Corinthians 15:40,41,42,43,44,45 Christ was exalted and honored by leaving the material realm and entering the spiritual realm. Luke 24:26
Hebrews 2:9,10 John 12:23 Romans 8:17 Glorification in many verses of scripture means to be changed from flesh to spirit. Jesus entered glory and we will follow him. Glory has to do with brightness, not like the physical sun, but like the glory of YAHWEH that gave light in Genesis 1:3
Lucifer was an angel of light, had brightness and became vain and twisted because of his brightness, his glory. The degree of this glory determines the position each of the elect has in the kingdom. Jesus is under YAHWEH as YAHWEH is glory in the highest, then all the saints will be given “offices” in the kingdom by YAHWEH under Jesus, those who have the most talents , have effectively used the Holy Spirit to grow spiritually receive more cities or perhaps countries. As one star differs in glory from another so is the resurrection of the dead. The subject of glory is a more deeper subject than NDE .