The worlds churches do what they do. What does the elect remnant of the 144000 do ?

They keep no days
They do not pay tithes or give offerings
They have no ministry except YAHWEH and Christ
They are not formally organized but are scattered to the four winds
They are not participating in politics
The partake of the bread and wine whenever they have opportunity
They fellowship in very small groups two, three, or four
They live quiet and peaceable lives loving GOD and neighbor
They know who they are and that GOD made them who they are and not themselves
They know the entire carnal world, including the churches, are under control of Satan
They do not try to fulfill the great commission
They are meek and humble
While yet still sinners they understand the gospel message of grace
They can repent but the world cannot
They have a connection to YAHWEH through Christ but the world is yet cut off from YAHWEH
They have the spiritual truths and are free
They are all prophets and prophetesses
They are all taught the same things by the same spirit of GOD through Christ by divine revelation
They do not speak in tongues
They do not put on public display of their faith except in living in GODS love
They have no fellowship spirituality with the world
They have a good understanding of prophecy
They hear the voice of Christ in their human spirit
Their hope is not just for themselves but see a future where everyone will in GODS assigned time be given opportunity for salvation
They know that the majority of the 144000 are dead and that they are the faithful remnant alive and remaining when Christ returns
They know that the world cannot distinguish them or acknowledge them for who they are because they are spiritually invisible to the world

This is who the elect 144000 are and what they do and do not do.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
It is how I and those that I fellowship with live. Benadam1974 thinks the 144000 are future converted Jews from today. The 144000 is the church of YAHWEH . Everyone who is, was or will be a Christian is an elect of GOD who adds to the church daily such as should be saved in this age before the second advent. I explained this in the article about how the names of the twelve tribes are on the elect. This is the time of the gentiles, Matthew 20:16 we are the grafted in branches of the olive tree.