
Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Punctuation was not used in Hebrew or Greek and did not appear until many years later and by that time the scriptures were under firm control of the Catholic Church. If the person adding the punctuation did not have the Holy Spirit they would not know where to place a comma. Here is an example of this: Luke 23:43 it should be obvious to converted minds that the comma in this verse should be after the word “today” not before it. The thief was told by Jesus the he would be with Jesus in paradise but it was impossible for it to have been that day. Jesus died that day but the thief had his legs broken and left to die a slow death. Even Jesus that day did not ascend to paradise and in fact did not ascend until 40 days after his resurrection. Jesus spent 40 days with his disciples and others , Acts 1:3 then he ascended and 10 days later on Pentecost sent the Holy Spirit. The thief died, his body decayed and his human spirit went back to God who gave it totally unable to function in any way as it had not a body. Another misuse of the comma is in Matthew 24:5 , the comma after the word “name” and “saying” should not be here as it gives the impression that many men would come claiming to be Jesus. This verse is actually saying that people would come acknowledging Jesus as the messiah but deceive many. If someone comes in your name as Jesus came in his Fathers name did that mean Jesus was the Father. When coming in the name of someone you cannot claim to be that person. This gives a better understanding of Matthew 7:22-23 , they did works in the name of Jesus and called him Lord but Jesus denies them and their works that obviously were deceptions. 1 John 5:7 KJV commas were inserted and words added that were not in the earliest writings in order to support the lie of the trinity. The NIV and many other translations omit this uninspired addition of, the FATHER , the word and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.
There are many other errors in the Bible some accidental and some deliberate. These errors can be in punctuation or translation and can alter the truth of God. I believe that those with the Holy Spirit are enabled by the Spirit to overcome these obstacles and still find the truth.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Ephesians 4:4,5,6 These verses says there is one body, one spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one GOD and FATHER . As plain as these verses are, and they’ve not been altered or mistranslated, you would think that they would prove many church doctrines false. When we look at the worlds churches all of them violate either some or all of the very plain words recorded in these verses. This results in massive deception. No wonder Jesus warned us, Matthew 24:4


Active member
Dec 5, 2023
God's teachings for us are harmed greatly by filtering them through men. As we see constantly now, lie becomes truth when it is repeated incessantly. While it is still a lie, it is not only accepted but is also defended. Those who fall into that error refuse to examine what they have already accepted unless God calls them out of that deception.

It takes courage to climb out of that pit.
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