Miércoles Bereanos: Topical Studies
When: Wednesdays at 7:00 PM EST (New York Time) [Convert to your timezone]
Zoom ID: 963 4848 5193
Zoom Password: beroeans
Zoom Link: https://gcvs.zoom.us/j/96348485193?pwd=MW10cTJRcW40SDBrSjArQ0RCMS84dz09
Faithlife Group: https://faithlife.com/beroean-studies/activity
"All are welcome
Prayer (women can pray too)
Song (sometimes)
Verse by verse bible discussion
select verses are read (you can volunteer to read)
comments are made by anyone that feels like sharing
the raise hand feature is used in zoom so everyone that wants to participate can and is called on in order - this prevents talking over one another
We end with prayer and sometimes a song or two (you can suggest songs with a link from YouTube etc.)
Then for those that want to stay and fellowship we break into smaller groups via Zooms breakout room feature
You can leave anytime you want - most type a goodbye message in the chat if leaving early"
When: Wednesdays at 7:00 PM EST (New York Time) [Convert to your timezone]
Zoom ID: 963 4848 5193
Zoom Password: beroeans
Zoom Link: https://gcvs.zoom.us/j/96348485193?pwd=MW10cTJRcW40SDBrSjArQ0RCMS84dz09
Faithlife Group: https://faithlife.com/beroean-studies/activity
"All are welcome
Prayer (women can pray too)
Song (sometimes)
Verse by verse bible discussion
select verses are read (you can volunteer to read)
comments are made by anyone that feels like sharing
the raise hand feature is used in zoom so everyone that wants to participate can and is called on in order - this prevents talking over one another
We end with prayer and sometimes a song or two (you can suggest songs with a link from YouTube etc.)
Then for those that want to stay and fellowship we break into smaller groups via Zooms breakout room feature
You can leave anytime you want - most type a goodbye message in the chat if leaving early"