Vatican Templar Conspiracy | Secrets of the Knights Templar S1 EP 2

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
Clip source: Vatican Templar Conspiracy | Secrets of the Knights Templar S1 EP2 - YouTube

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57K views 3 weeks ago Secrets of the Knights Templar S1 EP2: Timothy Hogan, Grand Master of the Order, reveals the Templars' secret journeys to the Holy Land, Africa, and beyond, exposing their hidden knowledge, gnostic secrets, and their ultimate persecution by the Church. … ...more


  • The Templars developed large fleets of ships for transporting pilgrims and goods to the Holy Land, setting up ports in strategic locations that facilitated extensive trade and exploration.
  • The Templars used symbols like the squared circle to illustrate the convergence of physical and spiritual realities, highlighting their pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment through alchemical practices.
  • The carvings of American plant species and Mayan pyramids found in Roslin Chapel suggest significant connections between the Templars and the indigenous cultures of the Americas, predating Columbus's arrival by many years.
  • Both the Templars and the indigenous cultures engaged in initiation rites that symbolically represented death and rebirth, embodying deeper spiritual transformations in their respective belief systems.
  • The King of Portugal had connections with the Templars and realized there were already existing interests in the New World, thus he had no incentive to support Columbus's expedition.
  • The Druze and Templars shared a rich exchange of ideas, particularly in hermeticism, which emphasized that creation derives from the mind of God. This knowledge was mutually reinforcing and shaped their philosophical traditions, demonstrating a blend of cultural influences.
  • The five-pointed star symbolizes various manifestations of knowledge, representing how 'nosis' influences the world, and connects to the heritage of the Druze as builders of significant historical sites, such as King Solomon's Temple.
  • The Grail holds various representations, often associated with healing and transformation. It is viewed as a tool for rejuvenation and knowledge, crucial to the Templars' understanding of sacred traditions and their alchemical practices.
  • The Templars are portrayed as the guardians of the Holy Grail in various legends, emphasizing their spiritual significance and moral responsibilities as protectors of sacred knowledge.
  • This phrase illustrates the interconnectedness of spiritual and physical realms, suggesting that the health and wellbeing of the Fisher King directly affect the land, showcasing the balance between leadership and environmental harmony.
  • St. Michael and St. George are regarded as the patron saints among the Templars, influencing rituals and ceremonies like the dubbing in the Order of the Garter, illustrating their integral place in Templar traditions.
  • The Templars created a pioneering financial network that allowed safe transactions for pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land, effectively serving as a banking system ahead of its time, which provided them with autonomy and significant influence over European finances.
  • The fish symbolizes the transition of spiritual teachings from the age of Aries to Pisces, reflecting the fishermen disciples' connection to this period, and highlighting the adaptability of spiritual symbols with changing astrological ages.
  • Following their suppression, many Templars were arrested and tortured to extract forced confessions. Jacques de Molay, their grandmaster, was one of the prominent figures executed, marking what was viewed as the end of the order, despite successful efforts by some members to preserve their legacy and operate discreetly after the crackdown.
  • The Knights Templar were a military order established during the Crusades, recognized for their roles in protecting pilgrims, their vast wealth, and their management of a successful banking system. They also gained significant political influence across Europe due to their extensive properties and connections with monarchs.
  • The Protestant Reformation, particularly through figures like Martin Luther who utilized Templar symbolism, triggered an interest in alternative spiritual paths that gave rise to secret societies such as the Rosicrucians, which sought to regenerate humanity and disseminate esoteric knowledge.
  • The Neom Metria primarily focuses on the measurements of King Solomon's Temple and explores how these measurements are intertwined with cabalistic, alchemical, and Gnostic traditions, suggesting deeper spiritual meanings.

Vatican Templar Conspiracy | Secrets of the Knights Templar S1 EP2

Templar Exploration and Secret Knowledge 00:00

"The Templars developed massive fleets of ships to move people and supplies to the Holy Land."
  • The Knights Templar established extensive maritime operations as they transported pilgrims to the Holy Land. This necessitated the creation of large fleets to handle the logistics of moving people, food, and other cargo.
  • To support these operations, the Templars set up ports in strategic locations, including areas in France and Portugal, enabling their extensive sailing expeditions across Europe, down to Jerusalem, and into Africa.

Secret Passages and Mapping the New World 00:34

"Through their discoveries of ancient maps, they developed secret passages to the Americas."
  • Unbeknownst to many, the Templars utilized ancient maps to uncover secret maritime routes leading to the New World. Ships from France and Portugal sailed to various locations, including Scotland, Greenland, and along the eastern coasts of North America, reaching as far south as Panama.
  • During their explorations, they not only mapped significant regions of North America but also forged relationships with the indigenous tribes, establishing mutual recognition through secret handshakes and initiation rites.

Initiation Rites and Cultural Encounters 01:32

"The Templars engaged in secret initiation rites similar to those of the Mayans and Aztecs."
  • As the Templars ventured southward into Central America, they encountered advanced cultures such as the Maya and Aztec. These civilizations had their initiation ceremonies and architectural achievements, reminiscent of those the Templars saw in Egypt.
  • The Templars' initiation rites mirrored these local customs, reflecting their Gnostic beliefs, where candidates underwent a symbolic death and rebirth, signifying a transition to a new level of understanding.

Symbolism and Connections to Ancient Cultures 04:09

"The squared circle symbolizes the merging of physical and spiritual realities."
  • The Templars adopted various symbols that reflected their philosophies, including the squared circle, which represented the balance between physical and spiritual realities, a concept central to alchemical teachings.
  • The significance of these symbols stretched into their architecture and rituals, with visible echoes in structures like the Roslin Chapel in Scotland, which also featured carvings that linked back to indigenous cultures in North America.

Historical Evidence of Templar Presence in the New World 07:41

"Roslin Chapel featured elements that indicate Templar presence in the Americas before Columbus."
  • Notably, the Roslin Chapel contains carvings of plant species native to the Americas, such as the aloe cactus and corn, alongside depictions of Mayan pyramids, suggesting Templar interactions with these cultures long before Columbus' expeditions.
  • The chapel was completed in 1420, well ahead of Columbus's journey in 1492, thereby offering historical evidence that the Templars had established connections and possibly settled in the New World earlier than previously acknowledged.

Columbus' Relationship with the Templars 09:51

"Columbus sought maps from the Templars to navigate to the New World."
  • Christopher Columbus, aware of something significant across the Atlantic, attempted to align himself with the Templars for navigation assistance, even marrying the daughter of a Grandmaster to gain access to maps and insight.
  • After being rejected by the King of Portugal, a pro-Templar ruler, Columbus turned to Spain, where Queen Isabella funded his voyages under the pretense of recovering treasures believed to have been safeguarded by the Templars.

The Great Builders and Their Symbolism 13:06

"Each point of the five-pointed star represented how nosis manifested in the world, and they became known as the Great Builders."
  • The Great Builders, known in history for their influence throughout the Middle East, are represented symbolically by a five-pointed star, where each point reflects a distinct manifestation of knowledge or 'nosis' in the world.
  • This symbolism ties to the historical claims made by the Druze community, which asserts that they were the original builders of King Solomon's Temple. Their traditions continue to recognize this legacy even into modern times.

Symbols of Recognition and Heritage 13:27

"The Druze adopted secret forms of recognition among each other, as well as a secret hand grip shared amongst the Templars."
  • The Druze, along with the Templars, developed unique methods of identification and greeting, such as a specific hand grip and the greeting "moin," which translates to “welcome to the loving place” or “welcome to the place of the heart” in Arabic.
  • This showcases their cultural emphasis on love and connection in their community dynamics, symbolizing a deep-seated belief in building relationships and understanding.

Hermeticism and Its Influence 14:18

"The study of hermeticism and hermetic texts, particularly the Corpus Hermeticum, became part of the Druze philosophy."
  • The Druze engaged extensively with hermetic philosophy, particularly the Corpus Hermeticum, which emphasizes that reality is shaped within the mind of God. This teaching posits that since God encompasses all, creation stems solely from divine thought.
  • The interaction between the Druze and the Templars facilitated the sharing of this philosophical framework, leading to its dissemination across Europe, where it was later published and made available to a broader audience.

Alchemy and the Nature of Reality 14:50

“Hermetic philosophy teaches that all reality is formed within the mind of God.”
  • According to hermetic philosophy, our perceived reality is merely a reflection of divine thought, suggesting that everything tangible is derived from the Creator's imagination.
  • This belief aligns with alchemical principles, where the transformation of matter is seen as energy manipulation. The Templars integrated these principles into their explorations, symbolizing their quest for deeper understanding of both the material and spiritual realms.

Wisdom of the Emerald Tablet 18:40

"One of the fundamental concepts associated with Hermes was his famed Emerald Tablet, which states, 'As Above, So Below.'"
  • The Emerald Tablet emphasizes the connection between the cosmos and earthly existence, indicating that understanding the mind of the Creator allows comprehension of universal principles.
  • This philosophy significantly influenced the Templars in their architectural designs, as they aimed to harmonize their structures with celestial alignments, revealing a desire to reflect cosmic order in their physical environment.

Symbolism of the Caducus and Its Connections to Moses 22:10

"The wand of Hermes, the Caducus, represents the duality that reconciles into a third term, akin to Moses’ symbolism with his staff."
  • The Caducus, representing the dual energies and their reconciliation, parallels the story of Moses, who could turn his staff into a serpent, linking him to themes of transformation and wisdom inherent in alchemical traditions.
  • This connection illustrates the broader narrative of Hermes within multiple cultures, emphasizing a shared understanding of knowledge and transformation that transcends individual beliefs.

The Connection of Saints to the Templars 25:31

"St. Michael and St. George were patron saints among the Templars, which later influenced the ceremonial dubbing in orders like the Order of the Garter."
  • The Drews maintained a continuous focus on calamities, intertwining their lineage with significant religious symbols and saints. Notably, St. Michael and St. George are recognized as patron saints within the Templar tradition. These connections have endured through time and were integrated into the formal ceremonies of knighthood, particularly in England's prestigious Order of the Garter, where the invocation of these saints is customary.
  • The emblem of St. George, often represented by the red cross, is deeply ingrained in English identity and is thought to link back to the Templar legacy.

The Templars and the Holy Grail 26:51

"One of the earliest Grail romances, 'Parzival,' states that the Templars are the guardians of the Holy Grail."
  • The narrative of "Parzival," penned in the early 1200s, designates the Templars as protectors of the Holy Grail, presenting them as pivotal figures in its legends. Interestingly, one of the prevalent legends suggests that when the Grail is unveiled, it brings forth a message regarding the divine rights of Templar leaders over foreign peoples, emphasizing a moral obligation tied closely to their role as guardians.
  • The Grail itself is portrayed through various metaphors, such as a mystical stone that provides rejuvenation and sustenance to the Templars, embodying alchemical principles that are integral to their identity and beliefs.

Alchemical Symbolism in the Grail Legends 27:56

"The Grail not only healed the body but also rejuvenated the land, illustrating an 'As Above, So Below' relationship."
  • The legends suggest that the Grail holds the power to heal both its vessels and the environment, implying a profound connection between the spiritual and physical realms. As the health of the Fisher King deteriorates, so too does the land he governs, reflecting the interconnectedness of wellbeing and authority.
  • Additionally, the character Trevis Ren, known as the Hermit, is linked to Hermes, the legendary figure associated with alchemy. This further reinforces the idea that the Templars’ narrative is steeped in alchemical traditions and the pursuit of divine knowledge.

The Grail and its Multifaceted Representations 31:44

"The Grail has been described as both a platter for John the Baptist's head and an emerald that fell from Lucifer's crown."
  • Various legends articulate the Grail’s essence, revealing its multifarious representations and connections to rich historical traditions. One narrative presents the Grail as the platter holding the head of John the Baptist, thus linking the Templars to pivotal Christian motifs.
  • Another fascinating interpretation tells of an emerald that descended from Lucifer’s crown during the celestial conflict, showcasing its importance in Gnostic beliefs. The notion that this emerald is symbolic of alchemical knowledge enhances the depth of the Templar traditions and their preservation of ancient wisdom.

The Alchemical Heritage of the Templars 33:51

"The word 'Grail' originates from ancient Sumerian alchemical art, highlighting the Templars' connection to alchemy."
  • The term 'Grail' can be traced back to ancient Sumer, where it was associated with the essential practices of alchemy. This highlights the Templars’ adherence to ancient knowledge, which has transcended time and informed their spiritual and philosophical frameworks.
  • Additionally, the similarity between the Templar cross and ancient Sumerian symbols indicates a profound legacy of alchemical practices preserved and adapted by the Templars, cementing their role as keepers of mystical and transformative wisdom.

Symbolism of the Ages 38:09

"The symbolism associated with the fish and the new priesthood was represented by fishermen."
  • The fish is a prominent symbol in both biblical narratives and astrological ages, particularly during the transition from the age of Aries to Pisces. With the advent of Pisces, the disciples, who were fishermen, embraced this symbolism at the Last Supper, where they were instructed to follow a person carrying a water jug, an emblem of the upcoming age of Aquarius.
  • At the Last Supper, the change of ages is highlighted with the water carrier representing the shift towards Aquarius, suggesting a deeper understanding of these symbolic elements rooted in Templar traditions related to the Grail and its mysteries.

Dualities and Balance in Transformation 39:12

"The symbol of Pisces represented two fish swimming in opposite directions, while Aquarius symbolizes two streams that flow together."
  • During the age of Pisces, the dualities of good and evil, liberal and conservative, were starkly contrasted, resulting in extreme polarities. As society enters the age of Aquarius, the notion of dualities evolves, with symbolism shifting to two streams flowing together, indicating a path towards balance and reconciliation.
  • This movement toward harmony is mirrored in various spiritual narratives, including the story of Paral, which symbolizes piercing the veil between extremes and seeking a balanced approach to life's challenges.

Templar Mysteries and the Grail 40:44

"Finding balance in life was fundamental to the mysteries of the Grail."
  • The Knights Templar emphasized the importance of balance in their initiation rites and secret teachings, asserting that individuals must strive for equilibrium in both personal and societal contexts. This pursuit became central to the mysteries surrounding the Holy Grail, which is described as a vessel embodying multifaceted meanings depending on the context.
  • The Templar connection to the Grail is further illustrated through figures like Galahad, whose white shield adorned with a red cross symbolizes their heritage, linking them to St. George and reinforcing their identity in the tapestry of history.

Templar Influence and Financial Systems 44:30

"The Templars set up the first banking systems which allowed pilgrims to travel safely."
  • The Templars established a sophisticated financial network to facilitate pilgrimages to the Holy Land, offering protection and financial services that were unprecedented for their time. Pilgrims could deposit money into Templar facilities and withdraw it upon reaching Jerusalem, a system that greatly enhanced security and mobility.
  • This banking capability granted the Templars considerable power and independence, as they became a significant financial force in Europe, often outpacing the influence of monarchs and the Church.

The Suppression of the Templars 44:26

"The events of October 13, 1307, marked a tragic end to the Templar order."
  • The suppression of the Templar order on Friday, October 13, 1307, occurred due to increasing jealousy and fear from monarchs, especially King Philip IV of France, who sought to diminish the Templars' financial power while claiming their wealth. This resulted in mass arrests and a carefully orchestrated effort to dismantle their influence.
  • King Philip IV's desire to control Templar resources and treasures, combined with the Roman Church's unease over their autonomous power, culminated in this significant historical tragedy, where the ambitions for power overshadowed the Templars' intentions of empowering individuals.

The Suppression of the Templars and Their Secret Exodus 50:46

"An arrangement was made between Philip IV and Pope Clement V to suppress the Templar order, leading to the arrest of thousands across France."
  • In the early 14th century, King Philip IV of France orchestrated a plan with Pope Clement V to dissolve the Knights Templar, an influential order known for their wealth and connections.
  • The plan included issuing orders for the arrest of Templars on charges of heresy, with a timeline aimed at capturing many of the 3,000 Templars living in Paris by October 1307.
  • Aware of the impending arrests, the Templars initiated a covert operation to move their assets out of France, planning to smuggle money and artifacts to prevent them from falling into the hands of King Philip or the papacy.

The Covert Operation and Escape Plan 52:30

"Between September and October 1307, the Templar order, under the leadership of Jacques de Molay, devised a plan to secretly move their assets out of France."
  • Under Grandmaster Jacques de Molay, approximately 2,400 Templars worked diligently to execute their exodus before the arrests.
  • They utilized ships to covertly transport their wealth and religious artifacts to the Americas, where they had established a foothold.
  • Only about 600 Templars remained in Paris, feigning normalcy while awaiting their fate and hoping to negotiate their survival.

The Arrest and Torture of the Templars 54:23

"On Friday, October 13th, 1307, Philip's troops began the official crackdown on the Templars, resulting in mass arrests."
  • The planned arrests were executed swiftly, resulting in over 600 Templars being captured in Paris and many more across France.
  • The captured Templars faced brutal torture intended to extract confessions and reveal the whereabouts of their hidden wealth, with many ultimately forced to admit to false charges of heresy and worshipping idols.
  • Notably, the Templars were accused of degrading acts against the Christian faith, such as spitting on the cross, which were later deemed absurd and false.

The Fate of Jacques de Molay 01:01:08

"In March 1314, Jacques de Molay was sentenced to be burned at the stake in front of Notre-Dame Cathedral along with other Templars."
  • Jacques de Molay publicly recanted his earlier confessions, declaring the innocence of all Templars and issuing a curse upon King Philip and Pope Clement just before his execution.
  • The public execution was situated at Notre-Dame Cathedral, marking a somber end to the once-powerful Templar Order, as the Roman Church proclaimed it dissolved.
  • Despite the official narrative, the Templars had already prepared for the survival of their order, establishing new identities to continue their legacy covertly.

The Neom Metria and Its Significance 01:04:03

"The book Neom Metria, dedicated to the militia crucifera evangelica, describes King Solomon's Temple and explores its measurements in relation to cabalistic, alchemical, and Gnostic traditions."
  • The Neom Metria, written by Simon Studion in the late 1500s, is a crucial text that delves into the measurements of King Solomon's Temple.
  • This book serves as a bridge between ancient architectural practices and esoteric knowledge, suggesting that the measurements of the Temple hold deeper meanings related to various spiritual and scientific traditions, such as cabalism and alchemy.
  • At the time of writing, notable figures such as Frederick, Duke of Venberg, and Queen Elizabeth were associated with the Templar traditions, which had resurfaced about 200 years after their initial suppression.

Historical Context and Figures 01:05:18

"Sir Francis Bacon and Johan Valentine Andrea were notable contributors to the Rosicrucian movement that emerged in the aftermath of the Templar persecutions."
  • The historical backdrop of the Neom Metria includes a vibrant network of intellectuals and luminaries that followed the Templar tradition.
  • Sir Francis Bacon and Johan Valentine Andrea emerged as pivotal figures, with Andrea's mother being a town alchemist, indicating a legacy of alchemical knowledge and practice.
  • Tubingen became a significant center for this movement, fostering further intellectual developments that would later contribute to the rise of Freemasonry.

Impact of the Protestant Reformation 01:06:47

"Martin Luther's actions during the Protestant Reformation, including his emblem of the rose and cross, linked him to the Templar tradition."
  • The deaths and upheaval related to the Protestant Reformation intertwined with the resurgence of Templar symbolism, particularly through Martin Luther's personal emblem, which featured a rose and a cross.
  • The connection between Luther and the Templars reflects how symbology from the past influenced revolutionary movements in Europe and suggests an ongoing thread of hidden knowledge.
  • The emergence of the Rosicrucian Order following Luther's theses points to a growing interest in secret societies that sought to reorganize and regenerate humanity through mystical and alchemical understanding.

The Rise of the Rosicrucian Order 01:08:10

"The Rosicrucian manifestos outlined goals focused on alchemy, regeneration, and the dissemination of secret knowledge."
  • In the early 1600s, the first Rosicrucian manifesto, Fama Fraternitatis, announced the establishment of an influential secret order, claiming to continue the legacy of the Templars.
  • Subsequent manifestos elaborated on their objectives, including the study of alchemy and actively encouraging individuals to contribute to mankind's advancement through published works.
  • The Rosicrucian movement's motivations centered around technology and spiritual insight aimed at pulling Europe out of the Dark Ages.

Influence on Freemasonry 01:12:00

"The organizational structure of Freemasonry draws heavily from Templar traditions, evident in their secret initiations and symbolism."
  • The Rosicrucian Order significantly influenced the formation of Freemasonry, which began to adopt Templar symbols and practices for its own rituals and structures.
  • Historical records show that symbols like the square and compass have long ties to both Templar and Masonic traditions, marking a lineage of knowledge preservation amid centuries of persecution.
  • The establishment of guidelines by figures such as William Shaw in 1598 helped create a more formal structure within Freemasonry, echoing the secretive nature of earlier Templar organizations.