Truth about the Truth in Music Youtube channel

SC Facilitator

Staff member
Nov 29, 2022
Thanks Lori Jane for finding this on Reddit.

A channel of Ai generated music developed to impart knowledge of the history and critique with song and humour the teachings of the Watchtower Society for both Jehovah's Witnesses and Ex Jehovah's Witnesses.

Truth about the Truth in Music Youtube Channel
A song showing the ridiculous statement made by the Watchtower Society in 'The Golden Age' magazine in 1929 about the origins of the black race.The question has to be asked... can an organization that makes such ludicrous statements REALLY be Gods chosen Organisation?
with spoken 1 minute intro

One of the worst hypocritical acts of the Watchtower Society. In Malawi the Jehovah's Witnesses were not allowed to carry an ID card and were persecuted and many lost their lives. In Mexico the Watchtower Society told them to bribe the authorities to avoid similar situations

excerpt : Ever since Judge Rutherford took over as President of the Watchtower Society there has been a ban on beards.The judge did not want his followers to emulate the loom of Russell, who had a resplendent amount of facial hair. However, recently "New Light" revealed it is ok to have one. This is clear a sign that the Watchtower is trying to soften their grip on the congregations, to make them more mainstream and not so cultish.It doesn't work Watchtower....we are on to you !

A song about the ridiculous Two Witness Rule by the Watchtower Society and how it allows child abusers to go unpunished and remain in the Congregation

The Bible teaches thst Jesus is Mediator for ALL. The Watchtower teach that he is ONLY Mediator for 144,000. Why do their teachings go against the bible?