General Top 5 signs of The Spritual Narcissist | The Enlightened Target Jill Wise | Youtube channel

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Nov 29, 2022
In today's video Jill explains what a Spiritual Narcissist is and the top 5 signs to look out for if you believe someone you know may be using religion in order to fool, abuse, control or manipulate you or other people.
Jill Wise, otherwise known as The Enlightened Target, is a life long survivor of narcissistic abuse. She was raised by a malignant narcissist and married to a malignant narcissist, she has endured years of parental alienation, has repeatedly been targeted by narcissists throughout her life. She has an intimate understanding of all aspects of narcissistic abuse and Cptsd. She uses her experience and what she has learned to help educate others and bring awareness to narcissistic abuse. She is also a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach and works with clients all over the world heal from the trauma of narcissistic abuse, parental alienation and Complex Ptsd.

The spritual narcissist, some refer to them as the most dangerous narcissist you will ever meet and many times the most difficult to spot, because we don't expect someone who claims to be religious to actually be a predator.
  1. The spiritual narcissists words and behaviours behind closed doors willl not align with the virtues they claim to uphold and he doctrine of their faith. Their hypocrisy rises to an all time high.
  2. The spiritual narcissist will justify his or her harmful abusive behavior by using 'spiritual' or religious explanations. This is Jill's opinion is the ultimate betrayal! Spiritual narcissists will manipulate scipture and doctrine to their liking and benefit. They will present scripture completely out of context twisting and turning a specific passage into something it was never intended to mean in order to justify their abuse or keep you submissive to them or to guilt you into forgiving them...
  3. The spiritual narcissist behaves superior as if they have a direct pathway to God and are all-knowing for what God's demands are for a righteous life beyond what anyone knows or could possibly understand. They are the chosen ones. Their goal is to control you and they have an addiction to feeling special and superior and have a direct connection to God. They have managed to be the key holder to your salvation. It doesn't get more powerful than that. They can keep you subjected to their will and abuse indefenitely if you do not understand what is going on. They know exactly what they're doing! The horrible abuse that goes on in cults ar from pedophilia to under age marriages, to extreme physical, emotional and psychological abuse.
  4. Spriual narcissists will use spiritual jargon to intimidate people. They love to this. If you dare do anything they don't like or agree with, you're going to be met with scripture completely taken out of context to shame, blame or scare you into submission.
  5. Spritual narcissists lead by force, not by example. They are unforgiven if you do not comply with their wishes or interpretatiions with their doctrine. They tend to control with an iron fist: this could come in the form of narcissistic rages until you succumb, severe punishment, the silent treatment (Shunning), withold love and affection, until you submit to their authority and if you don't you will not be forgiven. You of course must forgive all their violations.