Video Top 5 Differences Between God and Jesus | Biblical Unitarian Podcast

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
  1. God cannot be tempted but Jesus was tempted
    1. James 1:13
    2. Hebrews 4:15
  2. God does what he pleases but Jesus cannot do anything of his own initiative
    1. Psalm 115:3
    2. John 5:30
  3. Jesus is a member of the human race and God is not
    1. John 8:40
  4. Jesus has limited knowledge
    1. Matthew 24:36
  5. God cannot die, but Jesus died
    1. Romans 6:9
    2. 1 Tim 1:17
3 Facts Upon Which We Can All Agree
  1. There are multiple irreconcilable differences between God and Jesus
  2. The status, nature and attributes of God are greater than those belonging to Jesus
  3. Jesus is a human being who is distinct from the one true God